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    The Joker's Zelda: Windwaker (GC)

    [November 20, 2006 11:45:49 AM]
    Because I have no idea what is going on in the story, I decide to start a new game. The story opens off giving a bit of background as well as an introduction to the charaters in the game. It appears that Link isn't really the same heroic Link, but instead a boy who is on his way to become a hero, as he receives the "Hero's Garb", which is the customary Link outfit. Seeing as though it is a bit too peaceful, something is bound to go wrong.
    As I predicted, something does go wrong and of course I have to say a girl. Well, on of the interesting pieces is how the story correlates with what I have to do. Since only one person still practices weaponry, I have to acquire my sword from him (Orca). Upon completing a few training levels, I am given a sword. Now I have a weapon, so of course I can proceed to save the girl.
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    [November 18, 2006 07:35:43 PM]
    Today was my first experience with the game. Just for the fun of it, I started playing from someone else's save file. It put me in the role of a Young Link and my task was to use these "jumping flowers" to get to the top of a platform. I first had to defeat a few enemies, but that wasn't too difficult. Once I figured out how to use the first flower, I started my path up to the highest platform. Unfortunately, After making it to the second platform, I fell off and lost a bit of health. I tried again, and got the same result. After pondering for a bit, I realized that I had the wind waker. Being unfamiliar with the story, I tried to use it to awake some wind and float to the top. No such luck. I then tried to use the flower again, and this time I accidentally accessed the "para-leaf" and used that to glide. After repeating this process about 8 more times, I reached the top and concluded my play.
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    The Joker's Zelda: Windwaker (GC)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Technical problems

    GameLog started on: Saturday 18 November, 2006

    GameLog closed on: Saturday 9 December, 2006

    The Joker's opinion and rating for this game

    No comment, yet.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See The Joker's page

    See info on Zelda: Windwaker

    More GameLogs
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    2 : Zelda: Windwaker (GC) by God (rating: 5)
    3 : Zelda: Windwaker (GC) by mbiggs (rating: 5)
    4 : Zelda: Windwaker (GC) by meexia (rating: 5)
    5 : Zelda: Windwaker (GC) by mklee (rating: 5)
    6 : Zelda: Windwaker (GC) by vanGhost (rating: 5)


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