Maelstrom's Grand Theft Auto IV (360)
[May 5, 2008 04:24:03 PM]
Oh yeah, and GTA IV has one of the tightest songs ever. "Rocky Mountain Way" by Joe Walsh, of Eagles fame. I'm not even the biggest Eagles or Joe Walsh fan, but shit, whenever I hear this I think of the unbelievable run the Colorado Rockies had last year and how great the performed down the stretch. That and I think back to when I visited Coors Field years ago. Hopefully I'll go again one day. What a badass tune tho.
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[May 5, 2008 09:48:16 AM]
Let's just say...GTA IV makes me cry...from my penis.
This game is absolutely UNBELIEVABLE...and I haven't even played for more than a few hours. I haven't done many missions, I've just been driving around and really taking in the city. And my, this city is teaming with life.
For once, all the residents of a city in GTA actually look like different people. I remember walking around in San Fierro in San Andreas and seeing the same businesswoman walk down the street about ten times in a row. No more, no more.
The addition of the cell phone has been the biggest key addition in this game. The previous two major GTAs were period pieces, both in the 80s and early 90s. Although cell phones did exist back then (and in Vice City & San Andreas, respectively), there was no interactivity involved with them. This cell phone's use is unprecedented. It has text messaging capability, GPS, the ability to both recieve calls and call people, and some other things. You can answer it on foot or in the car, wherever. This really helps keep you in contact with your friends, girlfriends, enemies, whoever.
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[May 5, 2008 09:42:09 AM]
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[May 1, 2008 11:12:39 AM]
I'm not going to talk about the gameplay in this entry. I'm just going to log my journey from the morning of May 29th to the afternoon.
I got on the 7:37 train from Prospect Heights headed towards Union Station, downtown Chicago. I didn't work until 12:30 that day, but I headed down early to see if I can grab my copy of Grand Theft Auto IV, the latest game in a series of cultural phenoms.
I got to Sears around 8:50, and I was surprised to see no one outside the State & Madison location. They finally let people in, and I went downstairs. There was another guy already down there (probably let him in from a different entry a minute or so earlier) and he was standing anxiously at the counter waiting for a sales associate to help him. I asked "are you here for it?" And he shook his head, "of course I am." A woman eventually came out, and we asked for the game and she had no clue what we were talking about. She probably should be fired...anybody working in a retail store that sells video games that hasn't been informed of GTAIV is in need of some serious help. She got back and said they didn't have any in stock.
Frustrated, we went to fye a few blocks away. We walked in the store and a woman asked "are you here for the game?" We nodded and she pointed us up the escalator upstairs. As soon as we stepped off, a woman asked us "pre-order?" We both did not, so she pointed to the right and we were directed towards a man standing by a wall. There were also security guards in the store, and I'd never seen any in there before. The man handed us a copy each of the game, and then we went back downstairs to check out and pay. As soon as I completed the transaction, the guy came down from upstairs and announced "360 is gone, NO MORE 360." I had gotten the last copy and the store was only open for 15 minutes.
This just shows you the impact that this game is having. I'll be back with more later.
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Maelstrom's Grand Theft Auto IV (360)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Thursday 1 May, 2008