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    Ens's The Sims 2 (PC)

    [November 19, 2006 02:12:13 PM]
    I am officially annoyed with this game. I still can't really figure anything out well enough to want to keep playing. All I really want to do is play with my characters appearance and there is not enough intuitiveness in their UI for me to want to play with a whole family and keep them all happy and functional. I liked the layout of Veronaville but I wish I could have a bit more freedom in what I did in it. What I really wanted was to create a female character and break up the whole Monty/Capulet thing by seducing the "romeo". I wanted to fill my house with furniture and just keep redecorating but balancing one character is enough, and I had no real desire to play with anyone else. I probably should've played through the tutorial before I began, but that was my test for the game: how well I could figure things out on my own. And I couldn't.
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    [November 18, 2006 08:58:46 PM]
    The second time I played the game, on Friday, I attempted to interact with my characters. I found the controls very difficult and very annoying to learn. There was a large tutorial on how to exactly manipulate your Sims and make them interact but all I really wanted to do was control one and leave the others be. I found that if I ignored the other three Sims they wouldn't fulfill their ambitions and they'd get mad and do crazy things. I believe that you should be able to find out how to play a game through simple trial and error instead of having to read a cumbersome manual and follow a thorough tutorial. Furthermore, I wanted to decorate my house but to save my life I could not figure out how to place the furniture I wanted so I gave up. Right now, I'm very frustrated with the game. I still don't understand the narrative thread and the fact that I can't really manipulate the Sims as I want, bothers me enough to quit the game. Maybe tomorrow I'll have more luck.
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    [November 18, 2006 08:32:46 PM]

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    [November 18, 2006 08:32:32 PM]
    On Wednesday (11/15) I started playing The Sims 2. I was drawn to the game by the promise of making your own family of characters and then controlling their lives. I spent about an hour this first time, making characters and setting up home. I chose to play the Montague/Capulet style storyline and created a family called the Guildensterns (mother, father, teenage daughter, young son) and moved them into a small house between the two main villas. I definitely liked how much of the characters I could customize, anywhere from forehead shape to hip width and zodiac choice. The first hour was spent on detailing everything I could about the characters appearance but when I got to the "ambitions" part, I was confused. I didn't really want to tailor their personalities, I just wanted to play with their appearance and then move them around the board. So far, I was impressed with the game, the customization was almost infinite.
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    Ens's The Sims 2 (PC)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Got frustrated

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 15 November, 2006

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 19 November, 2006

    Ens's opinion and rating for this game

    No comment, yet.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See Ens's page

    See info on The Sims 2

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