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    amarche1's Assassin's Creed (360)

    [May 1, 2008 03:59:06 PM]
    Assasin's Creed is an extremely detailed adventure game. In the beginning of the game, it takes you through a tutorial to get used to the controls and different aspects of how to play the game. I played it in the game lab in the CTI building so I could not turn the volume up to loud, which was a downer, because the plot of the game was really interesting. I will have to buy it for my PS3 and play it at home.
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    amarche1's Assassin's Creed (360)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 1 May, 2008

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 1 May, 2008

    amarche1's opinion and rating for this game

    A must have game. A fun adventure game with amazing graphics.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See amarche1's page

    See info on Assassin's Creed

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