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    amarche1's Counter Strike: Source (PC)

    [May 8, 2008 04:18:14 PM]
    A very old, but great game. I was actively playing this game years ago, and knwoledge on how to play this game has stuck with, kind of like ridding a bicycle. I had a alot of fun playing this game, because of social it has become, for example being able talk to teamates, and intstant message friends. The graphics are very detailed fir its time. Playing this game again has inspired me to start continuously playing it on a regualr basis.
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    amarche1's Counter Strike: Source (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 8 May, 2008

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 8 May, 2008

    amarche1's opinion and rating for this game

    Very social and competitive game!

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    See amarche1's page

    See info on Counter Strike: Source

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    1 : Counter Strike: Source (PC) by ShafteD (rating: 5)


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