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    amarche1's Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 (PS3)

    [May 29, 2008 10:55:09 AM]
    Rainbow 6 vegas 2 is an extremely better game then the previous Rainbow 6 vegas. The graphics are better, the missions are better, the details are better, and overall the game play experience is more enjoyable. In the older rainbow 6 vegas, the graphics seem to look very cloudy, and in vegas 2 the grpahics look much more realistic, and easier to see. This is a very difficult game, because it is extremely easy to die. There is just the right amount of hardness and easyness, it is right ni the middle. This is a great feature to the game, because if it were to easy the game would get boring, and the same goes for too difficult. The missions are very realistic and cool to go through.
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    amarche1's Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 (PS3)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 29 May, 2008

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 29 May, 2008

    amarche1's opinion and rating for this game

    A great sequal. Better then the first Vegas.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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