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    The Joker's The Sims 2 (PC)

    [November 20, 2006 12:02:02 AM]
    Tree's advance on Thorn works, but just to be a bit more devious, the other three sisters kiss him as well. SO I begin the competition to see which girl can get Thorn to "Woohoo" them first. To be fair, I rotate the girls actions so that it isn't unfair. After a while, all four have a 100 relationship with Thorn. Now, since a Female Sim can propose to a Male Sim, I have to decide which or the Plant Sisters will marry Thorn. After contemplating, I decide that Rose and Thorn would make the best combination.
    However, this is a difficult decision because Thorn would become A. Plant, and that really doesn't go to well with Rose. While thinking about this, I make Flower go into the hot tub and call Thorn over. Since the hot tub is a "Woohoo" spot, they proceed to do so. This action does not change anything, but it calls my attention to the fact that Sims can have sex before being married, and without sleeping in the same bed together. This is an interesting turn of events, but I proceed with the story.
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    [November 19, 2006 11:50:31 PM]

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    [November 19, 2006 05:52:21 PM]
    Thorn is stuck with the decision to either keep talking to Tree or to advance to Flower. I decide to greet Flower and talk to both her and Tree at the same time. The conversation is going fairly well, but a joke I make to Flower does not go to well, so I concentrate more on Tree. To make it a bit more exciting, I decide to call Rose over. She is busy, so that plan fails. I think ask Tree to leave, since our friendship rating is in the 80s. This give me time to talk with Flower. However, since it gets late, she leaves.
    The next day, I invite Flower over, and to my surprise, she brings Bush with her. Well, I take this as an opportunity to talk to both and get the friendship ratings up higher. Once I get to the 80s with Flower, I ask her to leave. I then call Rose once again, and she comes this time. So I am able to talk to both girls at the same time. After a while, I get their ratings up and now I am able to make moves on all four sisters.
    I then save and switch over to control the Plant Sisters. It is about noon, and I have Rose call Thorn over. This should be exciting since all four girls are interested in him. Thorn arrives, and I get Flower to give him a hug, followed by a hug by Rose and a hug by Bush. Just to be bold, I get Tree to kiss him.
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    [November 19, 2006 05:42:19 PM]
    The Sims is a rather interesting game. For starters, there is no story line. In addition, all of the characters can be used by the player. Because of this, I created two separate houses. The first house was home to a single male, A. Thorn; the second was home to the 4 Plant sisters, Flower, Bush, Tree, and Grass. My goal is to use the male character and have all three sisters fight over him as he works his way into their hearts. This is a story I call: Sisterly Love.

    I began the game playing as Thorn. After building a small house and using the remaining finances to furnace it, two of the Plant Sisters, Rose and Tree, came to great Thorn. He talked to them both and they seemed to enjoy it. Thorn then cooked dinner for the two of them and continued to converse. Being more interested in Rose at the time, Thorn diverts most of his attention to her and they quickly become friends. Will this cause bad blood between Tree and Rose, or does Thorn have a trick up his sleeve? The next day, Thorn calls Tree over and they talk and joke around for a bit before Flower comes to introduce herself. I stopped her to think about how to approach Flower with Tree in the house.
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    The Joker's The Sims 2 (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 18 November, 2006

    GameLog closed on: Monday 20 November, 2006

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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