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    vanGhost's Zelda: Windwaker (GC)

    [November 20, 2006 12:57:08 PM]
    After I found the boat, it opened up a new mode of transportation. i thought it was going to be really cool, which it was at first. But then the idea that you have to sail everywhere which takes a really long time. Too much time. i think somewhere in the game you get to teleport yourself but I haven't found it yet. And I'm annoyed...
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    [November 20, 2006 12:53:55 PM]
    Frustration...After the first time of trying to get across the obstacle course in the pirate ship, I had almost made it then lost it on the last jump. The second time I made it, only to be foiled by button smashing. The next 10 minutes were spent trying to get back to a treasure I already had access too!
    Finally I made it across and progressed onto the "stealth" mission. This is the first time I have ever experienced Zelda with a "stealth" type mission. I thought it was a really interesting twist to the game and made it a bit more dynamic. There were even barrels around the environment which you could pull over yourself and then walk around in so as not to be noticed. Too cool.
    Another aspect of the stealth part is that you loose your weapon when you first get to this area. So you have to sneak around and smash the bad guys over the head with a vase in order to find pieces inside to use against them. But this is not so easily done because if they have a weapon then you have to shield yourself from them, make them drop the weapon, pick up the weapon before they do, and then attack them with it. This adds a whole new complexity to the game but can also become a vary long and tedious process.
    Another interesting tidbit about this level is that it is the first place where i realized there is no JUMP! You can't actually jump just to jump. It sucked. Really limited my options and continued to annoy me throughout the rest of this play.
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    [November 20, 2006 12:21:25 PM]
    The last time i played a Zelda game was on the NES, so I wasn't really sure what to expect from a new fangled 3D version of one of my favorite childhood games. But when I heard that lovely music, I knew it would be ok. The first problem I ran into was the length of time it took to read the story (around 10 minutes)! Although the story was very intriguing, the fact that I couldn't button smash my way through it somewhat annoyed me. Fortunately, this annoyance was quelled by the o' so cute little characters that awaited me on the other side of the opening narrative. However, I soon realized that if you don't pay attention in this game it could make your life much harder. For instance, when it was finally time for my game-play to start I was to go to grandmother's house. My friend assured me they had shown me the location in a camera shot but there was no other way to tell the direction you needed to go. No indicating marks on the map you could see in the bottom left corner, nothing. So the game effectively made you wander around until you found the right place. I guess since the world really wasn't that big for me to explore this wasn't too much of a hassle. But if the worlds get bigger (which I imagine they do) I hope I get a map or something!
    The interactions with the player are all a text based, walk over and push the button to hear them talk. I think something I would have liked to see was the ability to choose different answers. For this game however, I don't guess that was the premise, for you just keep tapping until they are through. Either way, after approaching several characters, I realized there were different tasks that you could either take on or ignore. Of course, there were some that you really had to do, such as finding the sword. But others, like trying to catch a pig, were just fun exercises.
    I ended this round of playing after I went onto the pirate ship. All in all I'd say that so far the game captures my interest but it does have some quirks about it. I guess I'll get used to them.
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    vanGhost's Zelda: Windwaker (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 17 November, 2006

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