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    Inkeyes's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC)

    [October 4, 2008 12:32:42 PM]
    Today I played some missions with Ryder. The first three of which involved stealing weapons. The first mission was to steal from this old man during the night. The second mission was to get to a train and steal weapons from the train, but you had to fight other gangs for it. The third was to steal from the army.

    When looking at these missions in a Utilitarianism view everything is ok, one or few people has some unhappiness, but many people, my gang, have a lot of happiness from the acquisition of these weapons. But from a Kant view, this would not be acceptable. The rule would be it is ok to steal if you want something. This rule would not work universally because then everyone would steal, so stealing would be pointless because whatever you just stole, would most likely be stolen. This Kantianism view would be the same for all missions. When looked at from an ethics of virtue, we get mixed results. Some aspects of these missions are virtuous and some are not. It takes bravery, intelligence, and cooperativeness to complete these missions, but there are some vises also like thievery or murder. Since there is no way to weigh the pros and the cons there is no real way to figure if these missions are morally correct based on virtue.
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    [October 3, 2008 10:30:01 PM]
    Durring my second Session playing GTA-SA, I focused on applying different moral theories to the missions I played. The first mission was "Drive By" where I had to drive my gang past some "Balla's" and gun them down. At first, this seems morally wrong. Under Kantianism, that would be true, you would not want a universal rule saying its ok to gun down people if they are in a different gang. The Utilitarian approach would also back this up, because you gun down 16 people who would get alot of unhappiness from dying, and only the 4 of us get happiness for killing them, the unhappiness out weights the happiness.

    This situation almost resembles the Prisoners Delema, we can choose to kill them or not, and they have the same choice. If we choose to not kill them and they choose the same, we all live, but if we choose to not kill and they choose to kill we end up dead. If we decide to kill and they decide kill, we have an advantage of surprise, and if they choose to not kill, we live and they die. This is a lot like Hobbes "state of nature". So since there is no "contract" between the two gangs, the right thing to do is look out for ourselves, and choose to kill them.

    The other mission I did was Sweets Girl. The objective was to rescue Sweet and his girl from some thugs. Analyzing under Kantianism seems to deem this ok, it would be a good universal rule to come to the aid of friends. Looking deeper it falls apart with the rule, it is ok to kill to save our friends. This rule could not be adopted universally because it is self defeating, If we kill someone to save our friend, that persons friends would try to kill us to save him, so we all end up killing each other. Utilitarianism could consider this mission morally correct depending on the sides. If I need to kill one or two people with no family to save 2 of my friends which have families, my side would have more happiness for the saving of them then the two dead people would unhappiness. But this could be reversed, If there are 6 people who will die, like in the mission and only 2 people would get happiness from my completing the mission, then there is more unhappiness created by killing then happiness. then there is the argument that dead people would not have any unhappiness, and the consequences saving my friends would not have any unhappiness.
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    [October 1, 2008 08:57:36 PM]
    Upon Starting up GTA San Andreas and watching the intro for the first time, I knew there would be a lot of stereo typing going on. The first thing that happens is some crooked cops pull you over, hand cuff you and take you money. Then you go back to the crib and hang with your hommies. So far the game is filled with racial profiling and slurs. Also it seems at least for now, as long as there are no cops around, you can get away with anything. For example, you can go up to a random person, and shoot him/her and take their money and nothing will come of it. On a more analytical level, it seems like a reversed cultural relativism rules this game. Your gang is always right, and everyone else is wrong. You are judging others ideals and because they are not your own, they are wrong and you either need to kill them or vandalize their property. That is what i have gotten from my firs encounter with GTA-SA.
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    Inkeyes's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 1 October, 2008

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    272 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by tonym (rating: 5)
    273 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by trent.scheffert (rating: 3)
    274 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by trent.scheffert (rating: 3)
    275 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by tstewa10 (rating: 4)
    276 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by vantran (rating: 5)
    277 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (360) by Vinchenzo (rating: 5)
    278 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by VisibleMan (rating: 3)
    279 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by Waggs (rating: 5)
    280 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by wd40s (rating: 5)
    281 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (360) by worldconq777 (rating: 5)
    282 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by wychyross (rating: 5)
    283 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by XVasquez (rating: 4)
    284 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by XVasquez (rating: 4)
    285 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by yewonkim (rating: 4)
    286 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ysl7 (rating: 4)
    287 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ysl7 (rating: 5)
    288 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ysl7 (rating: 5)
    289 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ysl7_2 (rating: 5)
    290 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    291 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    292 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    293 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    294 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    295 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ZackHoffman (rating: 3)
    296 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (XBX) by ZBARON (rating: 5)
    297 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zeitcatcher (rating: 5)
    298 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zergling (rating: 2)
    299 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zergling (rating: 5)
    300 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zergling (rating: 5)
    301 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zergling (rating: 2)
    302 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by ZHENDERS (rating: 5)
    303 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zoomac92 (rating: 5)


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