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    akshockley's John Conway's Life (PC)

    [November 20, 2006 01:18:05 PM]
    I've come to like Life. When I started playing it, I was a bit confused; one of my first thoughts was "what's the point?". It still doesn't have a point in the sense of an ultimate goal or getting a high score, but that's okay. It doesn't really need one. I find that it's fun just to watch the patterns play out: for me, that's the point. When I'd first started playing, I watched the preset patterns, but I found that I didn't like looking at them, because it was much more fun to find my own, even if they weren't as impressive. Watching the preset patterns was more like watching someone else playing a game.
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    [November 20, 2006 01:08:07 PM]
    I played around with patterns some more, seeing how they'd run. I easily made several patterns that would end up in a constant state or disappear completely, but it was a little bit harder to get something that would run for a long time without settling into a pattern. For me, the game's appeal lies in creating a large setup that will run for a long time... bonus points if it looks cool while doing so.
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    [November 20, 2006 01:00:09 PM]
    Life is pretty, and it's kind of neat.

    To familiarize myself with how the game works, I let several of the pre-made patterns run. After that, I picked some of the smaller patterns, and manipulated one or two cells to see how it would change how they lived/died. My favorite was one that ended up switching back and forth between two states once it had grown to a certain point.
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    akshockley's John Conway's Life (PC)

    Current Status: Played occasionally

    GameLog started on: Friday 17 November, 2006

    akshockley's opinion and rating for this game

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    1 : John Conway's Life (PC) by vanGhost (rating: 4)


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