The second time I played the game, I got a lot farther because I was realized that you could steal cars to his friends house and be able to do what you needed to do, another play on racism and cultural relativism. But no only do you steal the car, you first punch the guy and then take his car, which is funny but typical. There was also the ability to start fights with people while being able to talk “smack” during these fights. Also, sometimes you can get shot in the streets by Hispanic gang members if you do take their cars. All these actions go against the divine command theory because they all are not according to the will of God, so nothing that happens within the game is good. Racism, stealing, fights, and prostitution are all examples of things that would not be acceptable by God. This could also go with the social contract theory about everybody living according to a set of moral rules and having the government enforce them. For example, when I stole a car by the police, they followed me with sirens to try and catch me. However, our character never signed an actual contract and agreed to not stealing cars, so I believe that this does not apply to him. I also realized though that the game was in a way realistic because if you crash the car enough, it can set on fire and kill you.
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