whitesox05's Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)
[November 5, 2008 02:59:12 PM]
This being my last half hour i had to get something done. In order to understand what i had to do i went online and read what i had to do. This to some might ruin the game but in order to understand the game in a half hour i thought it was necessary. So i found out about having to set up things in order to kill class mates. Then the game tries to explain the situation that the characters are in and tries to justify some of the reasons that they hare committing such atrocious actions. This like all other games tries to connect you to the main character. To me that shouldn't be done in all games but it is. You also get a chance to start killing your classmates. In all the functional moral codes killing is always a bad thing even if there is some justification. Right when my thirty minutes were up i decided to stop playing. I didn't think i needed to kill more people in order to enjoy the game and decided that i had enough of the game. Even as a game with very little detail even in the killings was to me still disturbing. This is great for learning about morality in games but not a game to use your leisure time for.
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[November 5, 2008 02:49:54 PM]
The second time i played it was somewhat more productive. Starting to get the hang of the controls the game was not as confusing as before. In a way it makes you feel more like the character, which in this case makes it very disturbing. The computer game being very plain lacked detail. The lack of detail is a bad thing because it makes it seem less important than it was. Even though this event is one of the most controversial in american history. Sadly i didn't get much done this half hour either. running around the high school parking lot made it very tedious and i was not able to advance in the game. This may have been just me but since i have not seen any violence i cannot fully comprehend the horror that this game might cause to many, especially to those who where at the shootings.
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[November 5, 2008 02:42:00 PM]
When i first learned that we were going to have to play this game it sounded weird. I had heard of this game before and it had never caught my attention. Once i started playing it i was very confused. one of the main reasons is that i don't play many games for pc. Having to get guns and load them in to a duffel bag became a difficult challenge for. Then having to head to the school also became a challenge. Taking all of that into consideration i had just wasted a whole half an hour leaving me with very little to write about.
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