Woodenfox's TrackMania Nations (PC)
[January 8, 2007 03:34:50 PM]
I started playing TM Nations because I caught my friend playing it and was amazed by the visual style of the game, and the flow of the tracks. Normally I find racing games to be bland, repetitive, and generally all the same. What got me started was the ridiculous looking tracks my friend seemed to be navigating with ease, what got me playing was the fact that it was a free download from http://www.trackmanianations.com/
Whats different about TM Nations, is it feels like a puzzle game. The tracks are short, usualy ranging from forty seconds to two minutes long, and the only keys are accelerate, break, left, right, and reset. Reseting becomes a way of life when you first start the game. Although I could have started on easyer tracks, I couldn't help but try the fast paced looping upside down tracks first.
So far I'm doing ok, my first priority is to complete a single lap, basicly figure out the puzzle before caring about time. I'm actually feeling compelled to play right now.
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Woodenfox's TrackMania Nations (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Wednesday 3 January, 2007