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    cboler's Fact or Crap (Other)

    [January 20, 2009 04:18:57 PM]
    Fact or Crap: Friday, January 16th (Games One and Two)

    Fact or Crap was designed to be a multiplayer (3 to 8) competitive trivia game involving questions read from cards, sort of like Trivial Pursuit without the stylish board or nifty pie slices. Unfortunately this game falls far short of the mark because the designers seem to have left out fun as well. In the end this game boiled down to a game of chance and quick hands.

    =Contents of the Game Box=

    200 tokens
    240 question cards
    74 rush hour cards
    16 answer cards
    A rule card
    A timer


    The game claims to require a minimum of three players, but I have thought of a far more enjoyable version of the game involving only the clerk at a Wal-Mart Customer Service Desk and myself that I like to call the “Return” game. Occasionally a third player, known as the Assistant Manager joins the fun. To play the designated version of the game however, the rules require a minimum of three extraordinarily bored individuals that wish to count themselves out eight Fact or Crap tokens (the game’s method of keeping score) from a central pile. Each player is also given two answer cards, one card for Fact, the other Crap. Once a question is asked, one of these cards will be slammed to the table by a player hoping to be the first for a chance winning (or losing) two tokens. The youngest player begins the game by taking a card from the top of the deck and reading the questions to the group as a whole, and the cycle continues clockwise from there until either all of the tokens from the central pile have been distributed, or only one player remains with tokens. There is however, one semi-redeeming aspect to the game, which came in the form of Rush-Hour cards. These Rush-Hour cards contained five questions which would be read by the holder to a victim of his or her choosing for the duration of a half-minute hourglass that came in the box. For every question correct, the victim receives a token, for every wrong answer—the card-holder receives a token.


    The packaging and the game idea seemed solid in theory, but in practice it’s a fact that this game is crap. The questions on the card were far from general knowledge. The questions from the cards were perhaps the most obscure true or false questions I’d ever heard. One may have also assumed that the questions would provide interesting trivial knowledge or conversation points, but sadly, this was not the case for most questions. Perhaps one in five contained a topic of general interest. After realizing that I had perhaps a one in fifty chance of being even familiar with the topic of the question, I decided to play the odds and slam down a random card as fast as possible in the hopes of obtaining two tokens—which seemed to work more often than not. I found this game to be very counterproductive to the purpose of gaming, because it seemed to me that everyone in the group had become far more bored nearing the end of the first game than we were before the beginning. The second game seemed to go a little faster with individuals attempting to lose the game quickly (which can prove equal a challenge with winning the game) to prevent death from extreme boredom. I would not recommend this game to a group of people I hate, because I’m sure that under the Geneva Convention guidelines that constitutes an inhumane act. I definitely do not believe that this game would translate well into a computer game, considering it did not translate well into a board game. If you’re looking for a good time, avoid this game at all costs—pick up Scattergories, Pictionary, or Trivial Pursuit instead.
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    cboler's Fact or Crap (Other)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 16 January, 2009

    GameLog closed on: Friday 16 January, 2009

    cboler's opinion and rating for this game

    Yep, it's crap.

    Rating (out of 5):star

    Related Links

    See cboler's page

    See info on Fact or Crap

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Fact or Crap (Other) by jed81 (rating: 2)
    2 : Fact or Crap (Other) by jm795 (rating: 3)
    3 : Fact or Crap (Other) by sdornan (rating: 2)


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