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    jm795's Fact or Crap (Other)

    [January 20, 2009 07:36:23 PM]
    Fact or Crap is a trivia game. The objective is to determine if statements are "fact" or "crap". Correct answers result in tokens. Incorrect answers result in a loss of tokens. Anyone can play this game because you always have a 50/50 shot at getting the answer right even if you have no knowledge of the subject.

    --Set Up--
    All players are given 1 "fact" card and 1 "crap" card. They are also given 8 tokens to start with. All other tokens go into a center pile. The cards are also shuffled.

    To begin with, the youngest player starts. The current reader with draw a card from the large deck and read the three questions present on the card. After each question is read, the other players will decide if the statement is "fact" or "crap". Once the decision is made, each player will place the corresponding card face down on the table. Once all players (excluding the reader) have laid down their card, the cards are flipped, and the reader announces the correct answer. At this point, the first player to lay down a card (determined by the reader) can win or lose two token. Others can only win or lose one token. A correct answer wins tokens, and an incorrect answer loses tokens. All tokens lost go to the token pile. After all three questions have been asked, the reader places the card at the bottom of the pile and the other player become the reader in a counterclockwise order.

    --Rush Hour--
    The rush hour mode is entered when a reader draws a rush hour card. During this phase, the reader selects another player. The reader will then ask the selected player five questions found on the back of the card. This portion of the game is timed using a provided timer. The reader will ask the questions as quickly as possible while the player answers "fact" or "crap". If the
    answer is correct, the player receives a token from the pile. For an incorrect answer, the reader gets a token from the pile. When the timer runs out, no more tokens can be awarded.

    The game can be won in two ways. First, the game ends when all of the tokens from the center pile are gone. In this case, the player with the most tokens is the winner. Second, the game ends if all players but one lose their tokens. The last player with tokens is the winner.

    The deck of cards is truly huge, ensuring there is no end to the strange questions presented during game play. On the other hand, the pile of tokens is also huge, ensuring that if the other players don't lose all their tokens, you will be playing for a long time.

    Playing with a large group seems to be the best way to go. I found that the interaction among the players is the most interesting part of the game, but this isn't really enough to redeem it. I can't even imagine being so bored that someone would play this with only one other person.

    Finally, this game is in the same vein as trivial pursuit type games. The statements on the cards are varied and actual knowledge of the particular subject in question is usually rare. Unlike trivial pursuit, this game has only two possible answers, "fact" or "crap". This dumbes down the game play to the point where everyone ends up guessing. There is no real challenge to the game aside from trying to be the first to lay down a card.
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    jm795's Fact or Crap (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 15 January, 2009

    jm795's opinion and rating for this game

    It isn't a "good" game, but I suppose you can have some fun in larger groups. The game doesn't offer a whole lot, so I would have to say it isn't worth buying.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstar

    Related Links

    See jm795's page

    See info on Fact or Crap

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    3 : Fact or Crap (Other) by sdornan (rating: 2)


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