When playing the game Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas you enter a world of visual chaos. Playing with the character CJ, a rather large black male, you run around this made up world doing whatever you so do choose. When i entered the game, i automatically entered the "cheats". From playing every single GTA throughout my childhood this is the way one can maximize the gaming experience. Taking the character CJ and entering such cheats as, unlimited health, weapons, armor, and a tank, one can start to picture none of this is normal to any human in our society. The fact I can run around and kill any one at my desire is something most would call unlikely. However, I don’t find this game to be something that people should frown about. I honestly, wasn’t having a great , and to take my aggression out on a video game is something that ends up making you laugh knowing that you would never do this in our “reality” rather just this fake world where you can rise from the dead. I used the character CJ to take a Harrier Jump Jet to Vegas and placed a few casino games. This is also very unlikely considering I am indeed only 20 years old.
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