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    cboler's Memory Card (PC)

    [March 3, 2009 08:17:29 PM]
    After finding the correct version and running the game, I spent a good 15 minutes playing the game. I finished all difficulties without a hitch, save the few times I spent trying to break Medium and Hard which occasionally resulted in an unbeatable game with one card left unmatchable (or perhaps its matching card was just turned sideways and invisible). Even Hard mode (which according to its introduction when the game was demoed in class was "yet to be beaten" if i recall) was painfully simple and redundant. There is a reason that this game appears in gcompris which my now four year old son played (and won--a version similar to Hard mode which displayed teddy bears instead of monsters) and successfully completed. Though timing one's completion of this game was a decent idea, a more difficult and interesting mode would have been allowing only a few failures. This idea, however, is as unoriginal as the game itself--as it was done in Super Mario 3 when one went to a spade card in the overworld. Someone noticed me playing this game over my shoulder and actually said "Oh god, the memory card game? WHY are you playing THAT?" The game does allow you to enter your name so that those who come after you don't have to feel as bad for playing the game. It's my opinion that, though obviously some work went into the production of this game, it is impossible to greatly improve on something that wasn't all that good to begin with. Don't get me wrong, there are classic games--chess, checkers, othello, etc. Memory Card does NOT however fall under the heading classic, unless you're talking about games to teach very young children manual dexterity, the use of a mouse, and slightly improve their memory. My rating of this game was based on the fact that people 20-30 years of age would be playing this, which causes it to be significantly lower than if the audience were children 2-5 years old.
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    cboler's Memory Card (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 3 March, 2009

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 3 March, 2009

    cboler's opinion and rating for this game

    Though a good game for children age 2-5, the same choice does not work well for adults.

    Rating (out of 5):starstar

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