NFS1009's Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)
[March 10, 2009 03:52:24 PM]
So the first post I wrote did not post for some reason so here I am again reposting what I wrote a couple days ago. Before I had downloaded the game I was nervous on two counts. One reason I was nervous was because I was not sure if I would get a virus if I downloaded the game and second I was nervous because whenever I see images of the school massacre it scares me to think things like this take innocent lives. I obviously downloaded the game since I had to do it for class and started plying the game. The first part of the game takes place in one of the students home where you have to pick up a doom game (which is where the shooters claim they learned to shoot). I thought it was scary how the friend called and all of a sudden I am headed to the basement filling the bag with guns and explosives. The reason were doing this is because we as high schoolers have decided that we are going to kill innocent kids who have treated us badly. I could not connect with these kids on any level. I cannot see how anyone would want to kill innocent life regardless of how they were treated in school. There are kids that are homeless in this world who live on the streets who have no parents yet they still go on with their lives. They don't plan to kill the bystanders that walk by them all the time. The game tried to show how the kids justified what they were about to do but for me it just opened up a Pandora's box. I had to stop playing the game once I reached the school because I needed a break from the game. I had not done anything except plan an attack yet that was enough to get me thinking. How could two teenagers who have had no real responsibilities in their life decide to carry out such a cruel act? Does the blame lye with the parents or the kids who carried out the attack? In the game it made it seem that the kids had no one when it is known that the kids had parents and a family. I guess I will continue my last post and hopefully I might enjoy the game a little more. On a side note I thought the graphics for the game were great. I have an addiction for games that have the old school graphics to them. And this game was one of those games which switched from the 2-D version to single person. The only plus I found so far.
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[March 10, 2009 03:07:14 PM]
When I started the game the main objective was to talk to people to figure out what the mission was. I thought it was strange to be in the school parking lot talking to others about how to blow up the school. I guess I felt morally wrong for even playing a game which had the intent of killing innocent lives even though I know it is just a game. Once I figured out that I had to go to the cafeteria and place the bombs in a vending machine and under a table I was on my way. Yet there was a problem which I encountered right away. I kept getting caught before I entered the school. I was not sure why this happened because there was no one around me when I walked in. Obviously I was wrong. I found at after about twenty minutes that there were cameras that caught me every time. Yet I had stopped playing the game when I figured this out. It got really frustrating always getting caught before anything had actually been done. I can conclude that for me playing this game was nothing more than a scare for me. I thought that playing Grand Theft Auto was less of scare for me than this game. I guess the fact that this game is based on an actual event just scares the crap out of me.
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