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    JCART's Super Columbine Massaacre (Web)

    [March 16, 2009 10:26:47 AM]
    Game Log 2- Entry 1
    I was really surprised when I read the background on the game because I never knew that a game like this was out for he public to play. I think that the idea of making a game using factual content from the high school shooting that still holds a soft spot in many American’s hearts. I thought that the game started off slow and contained a lot of dialogue between the two main characters Erik and Dylen. The text was really hard for me to read ad the timing in between dialogue was fast so it was hard for me to follow the story. The game starts in Dylon’s bedroom before school as Dylen motivates Erik on the hone about their plans to shot up the school. Then after the phone conversation it transition to a photo of the actual Columbine murders in their car. Some dialogue about killing shitheads AKA students and faculty they don’t like follows this. Then from there the game moves to the parking lot were the boys discuss how they are going to plant he bombs. The 2D graphics were really bad in this game and the cars in the parking lot looked so stupid. Anyways so Dylen grabs the bombs then you as the player need to sneak down the school hallway with stealth like quickness to the cafeteria and plant the bombs. This is really not hard at all the timing to get past the students and faculty in the hallways was very easy. So once you reach the cafeteria you meet with Erik and plant the bombs underneath the big tables and the bomb is set for 11:18 to go off. After you plant the bomb then there is a short intermission were Erik and Dyen exchange some more dialogue over looking the city. At this point we are introduced to all the weapons both boys were carrying when they entered he school that day. Dylen and Erik were armed with shotguns, rifles, pistols, an array of knifes and the also brought with them a number of lethal bombs. I had no idea the kind of weapons this kids had on them at the time. They want into that school with one motive and that was to kill anyone and everyone in their path. This were I stopped the game.

    Game Log 2- Entry 2
    I played a little more of the game today. I picked up right was I left off when the boys were listing their weapons? After the boys get their weapons they go back to the parking lot. On the way into the parking lot Dylen runs into a girl named Brooke who says hi to him and Dylen is touched by the greeting and tells her to g home because he likes her. Once the girl left. I bumped into a GOODY FOODY GIRL who I ended up killing with my shotgun and was literally thinking to myself “Wow this is a game” it was really stupid and was no challenge at all to kill the girl. I was expecting some sort of big build up going into the school but I expected wrong because there was no build up. There was just lazy dialogue and an easy entrance into the school. Once I entered the school with my character I spent the next 25 minutes or so just going around the school shooting teenagers and teachers in the hallway and I the classroom and also in the cafeteria. The one thing that really stood out for me was the only part in the game that I felt was emotional and real was when my character was in the cafeteria and everyone has a seat next to somebody but him. The dialogue is very depressing and sad. It made me think about how hard it is for “weird” and I don’t mean weird in a good or bad way but I just think that it is very hard for socially awkward personalities to find their place or there seat in life. I ended the game after the cafeteria scene because I got bored with it.

    Game Log 2- Entry 3
    So I played up to the cafeteria scene again and I waked around the school a little bit more then finally I reached the end of the game. The end of the game really surprised me because I didn’t expect it to end the way it did. I basically just had the choose of killing more people or taking a way out. I choose yes I was done and all of a sudden it switched to more dialogue and flash-forward to an image of Erik and Dylen on an island safe from everything and then it cut back to some dialogue which basically said that even if they wanted to escape or if they wanted to give some last words they couldn’t because no one could listen. So from that point there is a montage of images from the actual massacre. Pictures of Dylen and Erik with their brains blow out and an image of a scared mother and victim. The game then continues with the boys in hell fighting Doom characters. Bizarre game to say the least. I would give this game a 2 out of 10. The graphics were lay he dialogue was hard to read. There were no real challenges and it contains and sensitive content and has no regard for the families and loves ones of those who were deeply hurt on that day. It’s one thing to have a game about a school shooting but it’s another to have a game based off of an actual school shooting.
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    JCART's Super Columbine Massaacre (Web)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 16 March, 2009

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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