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    JCART's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    [March 16, 2009 10:30:25 AM]
    Game Log 1
    February 10th, 2009 at 10:00 PM

    This is only my 5th or 6th time playing GTA San Andreas. I played the game today for an hour and a half. I concluded my session because I ended up getting a very bad headache from being in front of the TV for so long. The GTA series is considered by many one f the best role-playing game series of all time. I'm one of those many; I'm a lover of the RPG. For me you can't get more in the shoes of the character then in a RPG game platform.

    I love the character this game and they way its graphic world is illustrated. I usually don't indulge in games as violent as GTA because I often find myself feeling guilty from being entertained by the violent makeup of the game. I know that it is just a game but ultimately you are in control and responsible for a characters decision-making. For this reason I feel that it is natural for some players to question whether or not there play role in the game should be looked at with ethical review.


    I thought most f the characters in this game were hilarious. This is extra funny because there not intended to be funny. This game completely generalizes and stereotypes with almost every character. I just couldn’t get into the story of the game because the characters are so stupid. Carl Johnson "CJ" how stupid of a name is that for your main character. He should be named Rambo or something. Every character that is in the game that is black is portrayed as a gang member or bad guy except for the cop guy played is Samuel Jackson, he is good. For me there is really no hero is this game. Your playing as CJ a gang member whose mission is to cross the state of San Andreas looking to clear his name and save his gang, and in the end making it out alive. The characters in this game don’t have any true virtues. Almost all of the common actions within the world of this game would be seen as unethical by the virtue and ethics theory.

    Game play

    The game play is very good. There is a lot of character freedom in this game. The missions for the game aren't structured linear so you can go around doing other missions. This helps balance out the fun factor of this game. The controls for the game are very easy to pick up. The only thing that bothers me about the game play is the screen movement.


    The story is OK nothing to amazing. Character development is poor and the script is over the top.

    Game Log 2
    Feb 12th, 2009 at 11:00 am.

    I didn’t sleep well last night and I actually just got done playing the game a few minutes ago. I’m getting really bored with killing people and stealing things. I feel that a person would have to be very simple minded to play this game daily. I was thinking to myself how much it would actually suck to be the main character of the game CJ. Every couple of minutes he is getting shot at, the guy just can’t keep himself out of a pickle. That would be too much stress for me. CJ is hit with so many ethical decisions throughout the storyline and it just sucks that I have to make them for him. I would say that 90 percent of the time I make the unethical decision because I know that I myself will not have to face any actual repercussions. When I’m playing the game I’m notI thinking about what my player should do at that particular moment. I’m thinking about what that character needs to be doing to complete that objective. There is really no moral foundation or guidelines that apply to this game. That alone is kind of scary to think about.. Why are games built on a characters unethical actions be so insanely popular…….?

    Game Log 3

    February 15, 2009 at 8:40

    I just played this game for almost four hours straight. It was funny because this time I played the game I was with a few of my buddy and we had just gotten back to my place from working out. I had so much more fun playing this game with other people. I was entertained watching my friends be in control of the character. I compared how they were acting in the same situations I was. For some reason all of us were playing the game with extra aggression. I think maybe because we just got home from the gym that our testosterone took a hold of the situation. GTA is a perfect example of what the world is like when there is virtually no moral code. Morals and ethics help set standards of living and these concepts and theories allow us to function together without any chaos. In GTA these boundaries are very grey. I personally think that this game shouldn’t be played by anyone younger then 13. I give this game a 7 out of 10 on the fun scale. This project was fun but I think next time you should pick a different game. Maybe something like DOOM.
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    JCART's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 16 March, 2009

    JCART's opinion and rating for this game

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