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    SSJiffy's Counter Strike: Source (PC)

    [January 9, 2007 04:37:32 PM]
    So today and many other days such as today I've been playing on Zombie Mod servers. These servers bring both CT and T models (the humans) and pit them together against the hordes of zombies. The way zombie mod works is that at the start of each new round everyone is human for a few seconds. At random the server goes ahead and spontaneously combusts someone into a zombie. That zombie then goes wielding a knife around and converting humans that it gets to into zombies. Unlike regular CS servers in this one the humans usually have infinite ammo with no need to ever reload their weapons. A strategy rule known to users whom play on these zombie mod servers is that you have to find a nook in the level and form a barricade. These zombies are fast approaching but even the most deftly of aimers know they won't be long before they too are overtaken. So, the levels are specifically designed to close gates, form 'soda machine' or 'couch' barricades.

    Here teamworks is necessary and if one teammate decides to be an ass and blast down the barricade then the huddled up group is overtaken. However as much fun as I have playing on the zombie mod servers I've a few gripes.

    The first gripe is that both human and zombie character models easily get 'clipped' into objects/artifacts in the level. You will literally be held in place by a cardboard box. This becomes incredibly irritating for the player and only rarely can one free themselves from the round-trap.

    A second gripe is that these levels are obviously designed by players for players. The thing is, some of them are really badly done. Either the humans have too much barricade resources and can therefor hole-up till the round is over without even trying. Or there is no barricade materials to hold off the zombies and therefor it just becomes a game of 'permanent tag'.
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    [January 8, 2007 09:44:22 PM]
    HEADSHOT blew out loudly across my 5.1 speaker system. Tragically, I was the victim of said 'headshot'. Hilarity ensues when players start yelling over their headsets in outrage or in vulgarity. I don't partake in such vices, of course not. The game is an online FPS (First Person Shooter) by Valve which runs on the PC and apparently on the Xbox as well. Counter Strike in general (whether it be the original, Condition Zero, or Source) has now become an everyday habitual measure for me. I go to class and then I Counter Strike, I study then Counter Strike, I eat and Counter Strike at the same time, but I still take showers (hello, WOW).

    I wasn't like this at all a before fall quarter. I was like 'what is Counter Strike' and geeks would be 'what is this blasphemy you spout?'. Eventually I would sit down and armed with a keyboard and mouse would venture into the realm of Counter Strike. I found it to be a vast improvement over my past FPS experiences (Shogo: Mobile Suit Division) and would come to endear it. As days passed on I began getting better at aiming and strafing. However even as of today I am no where near competent when it comes to engaging opponents. Sometimes I hit, sometimes I'm downed (mostly the latter).

    Since this is an online-FPS there is no 'objectiable outcome' as the Rules of Play would define a game. However this makes for a better experience. Whenever I sit and engage the Counter-Terrorists (CTs) or Terrorists (Ts) I've no idea which team I'll end up on or whom I'll engage. I can talk to whomever and decide to form alliances to tactically annihilate the enemy or can back stab others and laugh at the ensuing mishaps. The experiences are many and everyday is a new day for the world of Counter-Strike.

    Such as today for example. I was just spending time on the infamous 'n00bs 101' server (on CS: Source) when a fellow T came up and inquired as to my name: [UCSC] SSJiffy. He asked if I went to UC Santa Cruz and then if I lived there. I told him yes and that I lived on-campus. Suddenly he was up in conversation about how he has a girlfriend who also lives near me on-campus and that he himself lives at West Cliff. I told him I did not know what this alleged 'West Cliff' was. He asked if I was knew to this area and said no. Finally I ended up finding out it's a street near the Natural Bridges in Santa Cruz. This encounter though was not out of the ordinary. For I meet many UC students also playing the very game and bored enough to engage in random conversation.
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    SSJiffy's Counter Strike: Source (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 8 January, 2007

    SSJiffy's opinion and rating for this game

    Needs more M4.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    3 : Counter Strike: Source (PC) by Eve (rating: 5)
    4 : Counter Strike: Source (PC) by jaen501 (rating: 5)


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