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    banes's Fallout 2 (PC)

    [January 10, 2007 12:55:53 AM]
    After my second go at this game, I really started to enjoy myself with the gameplay a lot more. It takes some time to get to know the controls of the game, since it is mainly a lot of pointing and clicking with a crap load of context sensitive areas that you really have to search for.

    After leaving the first town and starting out on my main quest, I ran into some very dark areas that Fallout 2 has to offer. Most of the towns in the game are littered with drug addicts and other characters with even shadier backgrounds.

    The first part of my quest involved me finding a trader named Vic, who is going to help me find the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (GECK). All I know, as of yet, is that this GECK has something to do with a place called Vault 13. My guess is it has something to do with completely post-apocalyptic setting surrounding me everywhere I go.

    Continuing on through several areas landed me a lot of side quests that became overwhelming after a while. I didn’t think the game would be so deep, but from the trading to the combat to the questing, there is plenty to do (not to mention you can have plenty of virtual sex as well… Sadly, no actual simulation).

    The dialogue options are quite deep as well. There is a lot you can say to everyone, and I even found myself intimidating a village dog. After he growled at me, I reciprocated with a similar taunt and he then decided to attack me. I shot that dog down before I realized his name was old yellow. Quite a darkly humorous game…

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    [January 9, 2007 10:27:57 PM]
    Playing this game really took me back to the old school days of PC gaming. I almost felt like I was playing Diablo 1 since the graphics resembled its engine almost exactly. It is possible that the two games used the same engine, hence the similarity. Fallout 2 starts out like any RPG… You make your main character by choosing his/her main skills and then add points to your attributes (such as strength, agility, endurance, etc…).

    The first time I made my character, I decided to choose a skill in guns and skip on the melee. This also caused me to focus on a more agile and less strong character. Seemed to be a bad choice, since I died in the first dungeon. The game doesn’t do a great job of explaining the controls to the player. In fact, there is no tutorial what-so-ever. I guess this game was made back in the days when people still read the instruction booklet that came with the game. All I can say is, no instruction booklet came with my “copy.”

    I finally made it through my first trial once I created a stronger more melee based character. I decided to focus on a bruiser skill, a skill that makes you slower but stronger, as well as heavy handed, a skill that gives you some extra punch (so to speak). This time I kicked the first bosses ass without loosing more than 10 hp (you start with about 35 or so).

    The game does a good job of creating a creepy atmosphere, though there is a nice darkly comic gloss over the post apocalyptic setting. The story has yet to be thoroughly explained, due to the fact that it is an RPG and their stories have to be drawn out for at least 15 hours. I’m enjoying the game so far, so I can’t wait to dive back in.

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    banes's Fallout 2 (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 8 January, 2007

    banes's opinion and rating for this game

    Just looking at it makes me feel a bit old. The game is definitely dated graphic wise, mostly due to the leaps a bounds taken in this department from the time this was released till now. Seems like a good game, but I'll keep playing to learn more.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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