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    wwwood's Star Fox 64 (N64)

    [August 23, 2009 11:16:17 PM]

    In StarFox64 the player controls a space ship and the game play looks very similar to a Star Wars movie. Also this game reminded me of a “3-D” version of galatica. The main goal is to defeat the boss at the end of each level.


    The game play in StarFox64 is something like a three dimensional Galatica, you are flying through some space and shooting and avoid various object in front of you. I feel like the game play in this game isn’t original due to its nature in that there are movies and other games like it. The only saving grace is that in this game there is some sort of mission to accomplish other than just reaching the end. The dialog and the character names are a bit cheesy – “Fox”, “Pepper”, and “Slippery.”

    Those of you who are Galatica fans, as I am, you will enjoy this game. This game is a little more intense, there are enemies coming from all directions. And lots of big and small obstacles to avoid and some things become more obstacle like – instead of just flying around the building, it can also fall over and still get you. You get to use all sorts of maneuvers as well, you can fly to either side, “barrel roll” to either side, you can use your e-brake to let your enemies from behind you in front of you, and you can use your thrusters to speed ahead.


    As you progress further through this game, the game play gets more intense, as expected. Just seen from the first level to the second level there are more things going on. The enemies or more advanced and the obstacles are everything, you are flying through an asteroid belt in space and some of the meteoroids would transform to enemy weapons and shoot you without notice – gotta watch out!! Also, the boss at end of the second level has many stages and different weapons that follow you around as the y are active.

    The game as a very active flow to the game, the game has a map sort of like a time line. You must complete the first level to go to the second level – just can’t skip around. Further more, the game map pictures represent the level they are – the first level is a picture of earth and in that level you are on earth.


    StarFox64 has simple complexity, the levels and bosses get more difficult to beat. The elements that kept me interested in the game are the way they disguised the enemies and the movements they made. Some looked like airplanes and they would fly in certain patterns and their jet stream would stay behind and create an obstacle to get through and that could be difficult based on a pattern they would fly. Some flew in pairs and created a spiral that got smaller and smaller the longer they flew (until you destroyed them).

    I believe the game was geared of the younger generations (ages 8-12) and what keeps this game interesting is the cheesy dialogs the characters have with one another. I played this game personally when I was younger and I loved it, now I play it about 10 years later and I wonder why I like it so much. As an older player what really makes this game interesting is that you feel like you are flying the ship and you can really get into it. As geeky as it sounds while I was playing it I felt myself moving in the direction of the ship and felt myself ducking to avoid enemies.

    This entry has been edited 2 times. It was last edited on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 23:17:48.

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    wwwood's Star Fox 64 (N64)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 23 August, 2009

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    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Star Fox 64 (N64) by eriph (rating: 5)
    2 : Star Fox 64 (N64) by jackinhouse (rating: 5)
    3 : Star Fox 64 (N64) by Significant (rating: 5)
    4 : Star Fox 64 (N64) by SpamHead (rating: 5)


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