PStratton's Just Cause (360)
[September 24, 2009 02:56:17 PM]
I only have one complaint for this game: it's repetitive. But that does not mean that it isn't entertaining. The main missions and storyline keep me interested but after a while I came to realize that the side missions are the exact same. I've always found it interesting when games allow you to completely contradict your character's actions, morals, and characteristics. But I suppose that's the beauty of controlling your own little avatar. A game this open that allows you to do whatever you want (and actually affect surrounding parties) is simply a way for people to explore the dark side of human behavior. They do what they would do if they had no stakes and there were no consequences.
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[September 24, 2009 01:04:25 PM]
It is interesting approaching this game with this specific mindset. As I play, I try to think of the main characters actions and how he justifies them. He is basically a whore throughout, doing what the money tells him. But there seem to be no implications of any feelings when he does what he does. He is a vigilante for hire, taking the regime change into his own hands. Rico and his associates believe they know what is best for a country that they don't really have a stake in. They "know" that they are doing what is best for the island of San Esperito, its inhabitants, and the rest of the world. Rico is taking a utilitarian stand in that he is overthrowing a government and wreaking havoc throughout the island while doing so because he believes that the world as a whole will benefit.
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[September 22, 2009 07:49:23 PM]
When I saw Just Cause was on our classes list of video games, I was intrigued. Admittedly it was one of small hand full of games I knew or played from the list, and I remembered thinking Just Cause to be an enjoyable gaming experience when I had played it around when it was originally released. When I picked the game up, I was anxious to play because I was pretty fuzzy on the details of gameplay and the story. Once the exposition started rolling things began to come back, and once I got a feel for the game again, I was eager to play the game with a specific perspective in mind. I'm excited to try and assess the character's actions and justifications in their politically and socially chaotic world thinking about different themes we've discussed in class. Already I can see aspects of different characters' utilitarian ideals n their thinking they know what is "good" for a large amount of people.
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PStratton's Just Cause (360)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Tuesday 22 September, 2009
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