In my second venture into the world of San Andreas I decided to avoid doing anything to further progress the story line and proceeded to do as I pleased in the open world of the city. While wandering throughout the city I hijacked numerous vehicles and even committed murder along the way. The game has no negative consequences for doing any of these illegal things. When you are seen committing illegal acts you become wanted by the police, but no matter how high your wanted rating a simple walk into a building or laying low for a short bit will relieve you o this stress. I went from simple bicycle theft all the way up to multiple counts of murder and still there were no real consequences. The worst thing that could happen was you could die; in which case you wake up at the hospital with lesser money and no weapons or you could get arrested in which case the officers take your cash as a bribe and confiscate your weapons. Presented to impressionable minds this is one of few games they may be damaging.
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