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    WickedGamer's Mario Clash (VB)

    [September 29, 2009 03:34:23 PM]
    Mario Clash offers a very simple starting menu consisting of only three options: “Game Start”, “Top Sore” and “Brightness [adjustment]”. Next to the “Game Start” option, the player can adjust the starting level, between 1 and 40.

    Mario Clash is very, very different from any Mario game I have played. For example, the game is a non-“scroller”. Instead, the entire game area is contained within the visible window frame, with wrap devices on both sides of the screen. The player can warp between two platforms, or screen layers: the foreground and background. Unfortunately, Mario Clash makes little use of the VB stereoscopic capabilities making it a mellow experience. To experiment, I played with only one eye and little was left to be desired from a dual-eye experience. As a mater a fact, using one eye made the display appear sharper and places seemingly less strain on the single eye than what otherwise two eyes would experience individually. What this suggests is that Mario Clash could be played on a traditional 2D interface and offers little, if any, benefits on a stereoscopic device such as the VB.

    I was more intrigued by the “Game Over” screen than any other 3D aspects of the game. Mario Clash displays a sharp, overbearing picture of Mario’s face on a background of clouds. Then the player’s score is overlaid at the center of the screen and is projected forward, giving the impression that numbers are being pushed to the player’s face. Unfortunately the gameplay does not offer any similar or impressive stereoscopic effects.

    Honestly, Mario Clash is a little disappointing. I successfully cleared only the first three levels. I was unable to get further without a better understanding of how to kill the more robust turtles. Mario Clash includes a count-down timer requiring the player to complete the level in a certain amount of time or fail, I suppose – I never ran out of time. Assuming the level is cleared successfully, the player can be rewarded bonus points for “Technical” and “Time” merits.

    To get a better understanding of what other, more advanced levels have in store for the player; I manually invoked the level selections, in no particular order. I quickly realized the game offers very little variety in map designs aside from more difficult enemy obstacles to overcome. I suppose even if I mastered the techniques the game would likely becoming repetitive anyway for the remaining 36 levels.

    Time played: 15 min + 15 min (5 min break in-between)
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    WickedGamer's Mario Clash (VB)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 24 September, 2009

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