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    Pysis's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (XBX)

    [September 27, 2009 03:08:01 PM]

    Well there are a couple main aspects or gameplay rules that occur commonly. One of my favorites is the vehicles. Driving each vehicle in this game has had special attention while designed and has a different "feel" to each. It gets you from point A to point B and has a smaller number of miscellaneous actionas associated with npcs. These vehicles cover land, air, and water too. When you're just walking around you can explore the world and realize how big it is. It was interesting when I found the two player game modes and invited someone else to play. We liked the free roam mode because the deathmatch one would end in about three minutes or less and killing pedestrians was only slightly formalized and was what we did in this mode anyway. We played this mode a couple of times, an hour or so each time, and then we felt we had exhausted the allowable game actions, expecially if we played these sessions close together, and left it at that. I would occasionally play afterwards, not having done a story mission in a couple of months I thought I would do one or two. But one aspect of the game I liked it collecting all the items for compeltion. These are not required but there are about four categories of optional items to collect that are hidden in the gameworld. Collecting all of one category would illicit a reword that would enhance your further game experience.


    One main thing with this game to consider is the gameworld. It is pretty immense to the older game I have played. There is a lot of attention paid to the detail in some parts. It's mostly the buildings are each are unqiue with their own structure and artwork. But also the fact that these are modeled after cities in real life. Now one down side is about a third of these buildings are enterable, with most of the dormant ones being large skyscrapers in cities, small stores in rural towns, or any buildings that is placed there aesthetically to match the setting. Now playing the game I liked the amount of choices, the ability to pause progressiong through the story and improve my character or build his resources so I could perform better int he next mission. Each mission is a challenge in it's own rules, but it the game's constant rules that keep you from dying or getting arrested that "restart" a lot of your gameplay progression. The game is complex because it adds a lot of interactable items, buildings, vehicles, and people that have certain reactions and then simply place them in the world at appropriate times, and most of the complexity is from you changing their state in the game world and their reactions affect you or other objects. The tone is slightly dark with the subject matter of the missions and people in them, representing the "lower or bad side" of life. It might create a better sense as you are the character that is fixing the world, but fixing is the operative word where you are destorying one menace but creating your own. Any player can keep themselves interested because of the number of actions available at any point in the game. The pretty obvious elements that make this game popular are its design of the gameworld and choice or action list throughout the game, some sets of objects having very fine tuning to create a unique expereince for each, spanning sets of hundreds of objects. I like the cumulative reward structure recevied from main missions, side missions, or basic exploration, some items not just collecting but have a certain purpose or extra action allowing you to perform.
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    [September 27, 2009 02:47:08 PM]

    In GTA: SA, you are Carl Johnson coming back home to find that the town has gotten messed up and it's his job to put things back into place. You go around completing main story missions that interact with many npcs to correct the state of parts of the city that may also bring about rewards or services for you. Eventually you unlock other cities to progress through the story. Also present is a slew of side-missions for youto complete that do not impact the story majorly or at all and bring about further rewards. You do all this in a basic, FPS, and 3D platformer set in what seems equivalent to real-life.


    The game is basically you running around and deciding what to do because you have a lot of choices. It offers you the main and side missions that can be pretty numerous at some ponits, and in between or on your way to complete those missions you have a lot more choices of interacting with the world to get where you want. So playing that game can be simple if you don't know what's available, or overwhelming if you do. But you can get set into a routine of what you usually do in certain situations. I seemed to have fit the last description pretty early on. I usually have fun when I perform certain actions so I can improve my character's skillset and resources. This is done by doing some side-missions, but also comes from a considerable amount of "messing around." Of course there is a bit of controversy mixed into the game by how they portray certain ethnic groups in lower forms of activity, but when I play I usually ignore that; the story semi-encouraged this. While playing there is a sense of flow doing missions back-to-back, but taking time aside to recoup your efforts or resources kind of ceases the flow and sometimes you forget what you were taking a break from in the first place. This game is mostly one player except for the two minimal cases where you find an icon in the world and it either enables a small two player deathmatch session to kill pedestrians in an allotted time, or a free-roam method where the players must stay in the same camera view, but can perform as much non-mission related activity in the game world as usually possible.
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    Pysis's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (XBX)

    Current Status: Played occasionally

    GameLog started on: Saturday 15 August, 2009

    Pysis's opinion and rating for this game

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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    266 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by TheCrudMan (rating: 5)
    267 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by theHeralder (rating: 5)
    268 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by thitpas (rating: 5)
    269 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by tjcoolj (rating: 3)
    270 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by tmattson (rating: 4)
    271 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (360) by TommyV (rating: 5)
    272 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by tonym (rating: 5)
    273 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by trent.scheffert (rating: 3)
    274 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by trent.scheffert (rating: 3)
    275 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by tstewa10 (rating: 4)
    276 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by vantran (rating: 5)
    277 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (360) by Vinchenzo (rating: 5)
    278 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by VisibleMan (rating: 3)
    279 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by Waggs (rating: 5)
    280 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by wd40s (rating: 5)
    281 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (360) by worldconq777 (rating: 5)
    282 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by wychyross (rating: 5)
    283 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by XVasquez (rating: 4)
    284 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by XVasquez (rating: 4)
    285 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by yewonkim (rating: 4)
    286 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ysl7 (rating: 4)
    287 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ysl7 (rating: 5)
    288 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ysl7 (rating: 5)
    289 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ysl7_2 (rating: 5)
    290 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    291 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    292 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    293 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    294 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zackgaskell (rating: 5)
    295 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by ZackHoffman (rating: 3)
    296 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (XBX) by ZBARON (rating: 5)
    297 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zeitcatcher (rating: 5)
    298 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zergling (rating: 2)
    299 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zergling (rating: 5)
    300 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zergling (rating: 5)
    301 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zergling (rating: 2)
    302 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) by ZHENDERS (rating: 5)
    303 : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) by zoomac92 (rating: 5)


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