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    BDBurnsi's Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms (PS2)

    [September 28, 2009 10:05:53 PM]
    Champions has both single and multi-player styles. There can be up to four players at one time. This allows players to support one another. Some characters complement each very well, like the warrior's defense with the berserker's offense. These two have an added advantage in that they both have buffs that can over lap. Some character are very good supporters and many skills have area affects that buff near by players.

    The games story expanses upon the world of Ever Quest. Each character also represents a race and class from Ever Quest. As an adventure game it works. The story is interesting and the world is varied. Artistically worlds are distinct, but similar elements abound. The game is meant to be play more than once. In order to reach the level cap you will probably have to play on the hardest level many times. This made rewarding by having some special items only show up over a long period of time. The game has a good feel to it. It combines elements of adventure and RPG games well.
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    [September 28, 2009 09:37:46 PM]
    Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms is an adventure game. The goals is to complete each stage and defeat the boss at end of each one.

    Champions is an interesting game. So far I have only played as the Berserker. I like that each character has his own skills and play stile. The berserker has a lot of power, but is not so great on defense. The characters can be specialized by which weapon the player prefers. The levels are intricate mazes. If the player dose not check his map often he can easily get turned around. Some of the bosses are very tricky to defeat even if you know their pattern. The dragon on the fire level almost has to be taken out by a ranger.
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    BDBurnsi's Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 28 September, 2009

    BDBurnsi's opinion and rating for this game

    No comment, yet.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms (PS2) by kikesan (rating: 3)
    2 : Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms (PS2) by Nico (rating: 4)


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