Not too fun. I only played a little of the other final fantasy games, so I'm not really enthralled by the series. I hate the inverted analog stick for looking around...I suppose I would just have to get used to it. The red and blue lines for attacking look ridiculous. I think they completely destroy the feeling of the game. I did a quest to kill a mutant tomato or something. There was this big orange QUEST: KILL ROGUE TOMATO on the screen when i accepted, and ROGUE TOMATO: VANQUISHED when i killed it. I hope they're making fun of themselves or someone else with those, because they just seemed ridiculous and didn't fit with the rest of the game.
The cutscenes are very nice and the graphics are above average. It takes way too long to load the cutscenes and the game after the cutscenes. I'm just sitting there waiting and waiting every 5 min when there's a cutscene. I eventually got so tired of the cutscenes I started skipping basically I just doubled the loading time to get from one stage to the next, loading then unloading the cutscene.
I don't really feel good when playing the game. It failed to draw me in to the story and I don't feel any empathy for the characters. I don't really expect a game to give me a truly developed character, but it seems that that's all this game has, and it failed to do that. The combat system is boring, winning is not that fun, and the whole game feels like I'm either watching a movie or playing through small parts of it to get to the next movie.
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