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    dbGamer's Aquaria (PC)

    [October 7, 2009 10:16:36 PM]
    The game is Aquaria.
    In this game the hero is a mermaid type character that is exploring an underwater environment. We don’t know what the goal is at the beginning. We are just exploring the environment.

    The first screen is an underwater cave complete with bubbles and a school of fish that follow the mouse. Here you can choose several options using rocks with directions that change from hyroglyphs to english.
    Then, you are given some background and play info from a screen with the face of the hero. Finally you are dropped into another cave and you’re ready to play.
    At the beginning you’re learning how to move the hero. She follows the mouse when you left click, but can jump from wall to wall. She can sing, right click and hold, or you can interact with certain elements, right click.
    By using a help map, you can explore the cave. As you move into different areas a voice gives you clues on what to do. This is definitely a learning area. You’re learning how to move, protect youself, and collect items. You even have to “learn” how to save the current game by listening to the voice and guessing what to do.

    The graphics are great, and the music is amazingly not too anoying.

    2nd Gamelog Entry
    At the beginning of the second zone you meet a spirit type character and they send you on what seems to be an impossible trip. I was attacked and didn’t know how to defend myself and quickly died. But it was only a dream. Like a sneak preview. It did peak my interest and make me want to learn how to defend myself and/or fight back. More incentive to learn the game.
    Then I went on into the next zone and swam around, a lot. The learning curve was slower here, and by the end was getting a little boring. I’d explored the whole zone and appeared to be at a dead end. I even cooked myself a fish loaf of some kind. Might have missed a clue on what was next. I was kind of hoping the “Voice would come and help out, but no.
    By the end I was really hoping to find a way to fight back against the things stinging me and shooting me. Singing at them wasn’t very satisfying. Not sure if I’d pay to play more with out knowing some of the fighting possibilities.

    The game itself is beautiful. Things move around very smoothly and it’s easy to stay tuned into the game. I think the way the background moves is pretty inovative. Although it is just a scrolling game, it really has a 3D feel.
    It’s pretty challenging figuring out what to stay away from, and how to use the different elements. I started to feel like I want to go look for the cheats after awhile.
    The energence complexity is learning about the world and how it works. You have to explore different area so you need to learn how to read the map. You need to learn what creatures to stay away from and what plants can help. You have to learn how to move the hero to get to where you want to go and how to avoid danger.
    All in all it’s a pretty fun game. The second time I played I could have used more rewards and more diversity. Perhaps if I was playing the real game instead of the demo it would move faster.
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    dbGamer's Aquaria (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 7 October, 2009

    dbGamer's opinion and rating for this game

    No comment, yet.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    3 : Aquaria (PC) by Scrawnto (rating: 5)
    4 : Aquaria (PC) by thattoddguy (rating: 5)


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