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    Nico's Kartia (PS)

    [September 22, 2003 01:25:34 AM]
    Grrrr... I still *cant* play this great game. Too much work, too much parties, too much girlfriend, too much Sept 18 celebration.
    To play this game, you need at least 3 hours straight. Each battle is a chapter, with all the cut-scenes than can exist in the universe.
    You can choose to play in one of two interweaving stories, playing even or odd chapters. So, if you play with the girl, you have:
    [ Very Long Chapter 1 cut-scene ]
    [ Battle 1 ]
    [ Very Long End Of Chapter 1 cut-scene ]
    [ Very Long Chapter 3 cut-scene ]
    [ Battle 2 ]
    [ Very Long End Of Chapter 3 cut-scene ]


    This may sound boring, but the level design and magic system is very good, so I still think this game is worth playing.
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    Nico's Kartia (PS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 22 August, 2003

    Nico's opinion and rating for this game

    Very good SRPG. Not as good as FFT, but very good indeed. Too long cut-scenes :(

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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