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    thattoddguy's Aquaria (PC)

    [November 24, 2009 01:53:22 PM]
    Got a little farther this time, though, not much. I have trouble with the transition between characters and this takes away from the fun of the game for me. I get stuck as the wrong character and can't change back.

    The overall beauty of the game is it's redeeming quality. The world you explore is visually stimulating, to say the least. There is always a place to find something new or a room you have to figure out how to get to.

    The game is well thought out, most puzzles seem to be pretty logical. At first, it was tough, but as you play you look for more clues. My experience with this game has been a good one. I can find most of the answers I need to move forward with only a slight challenge.

    I have enjoyed playing this game and will continue to explore Najia's world. I hope others will too.
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    [November 19, 2009 02:23:07 PM]
    Aquaria is about a "girl" named Najia. She lives in an underwater world, which you are to explore. You find "verse" which gives you powers, like lifting boulders and a shield. You explore her world and find new verse and food.

    I enjoy the mode of movement(the mouse) as point and click is pretty easy to understand. You hold the left mouse key to swim and the right mouse key to sing. The world is beautifully done, and during explorations it is easy to get lost in the world itself.

    I was enjoying playing this game, but soon got frustrated. I kept running into puzzles I couldn't get past. Or, getting into areas I couldn't escape from. Solving some of the puzzles was just a matter of exploring and paying attention, but others left little room for error. The game does supply several places to save and this was crucial.

    Overall, I enjoyed the game, I will have to explore Najia's world more when I have more time
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    thattoddguy's Aquaria (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 19 November, 2009

    thattoddguy's opinion and rating for this game

    No comment, yet.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    See thattoddguy's page

    See info on Aquaria

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Aquaria (PC) by Absolute2 (rating: 3)
    2 : Aquaria (PC) by dbGamer (rating: 5)
    3 : Aquaria (PC) by JDcsc126 (rating: 5)
    4 : Aquaria (PC) by Scrawnto (rating: 5)


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