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    JDcsc126's Gravitex 2 (Other)

    [November 23, 2009 03:36:58 PM]
    Summary: Gravitex 2 is a fairly simple puzzle game, available for free through such online portals as Though the premise is simple, the game itself is very enjoyable and paced very well to keep the player moving forward through the many levels of the game. Perhaps intended only to be a momentary diversion, I found myself sucked in quickly by the music and perfect challenge level of Gravitex 2.
    As noted above, Gravitex 2 is a relatively simple game. The premise is to shoot a ball from the starting point to the ending goal, not dissimilar to a round of minigolf. There are obstacles in the way, and one must navigate past or through them by varying power and angle of the shot. Some obstacles act to manipulate "gravity" by pulling the ball toward or pushing it away, hence the name. Contact with any obstacle means the player must start over. A secondary goal of the game is to collect "coins" by guiding the flightpath of the ball to contact them before it lands in the goal; indeed one cannot progress to the higher levels of the game without collecting at least some of these coins. One is allowed to repeat the level as many times as desired, and any or all of the three coins available on a level can be collected in a given pass. As long as the ball ends in the goal, these coins are added to the player's cumulated number. One can repeat the level as many times as desired, and some levels it seems very difficult if not impossibleto collect all of the coins in a single try.

    The soundtrack is a driving, techno-style beat that helps to push the player forward. It repeats frequently, which might get boring quickly -- I did not find this to be the case. Though the music is too up-tempo to be considered ambient, the repetition allows it to fade into the background periodically to avoid it being intrusive.

    One does not play online games expecting a full 3D adventure RPG or an adrenaline-pumping FPS. These are meant to be games that are easily picked up, played in idle moments in between tasks, and put down again readily. This is not to say that online games cannot or should not be engaging, and I found myself rapidly becoming sucked in by this one. In this, Gravitex 2 is an excellent example of its genre. It is a series of puzzles built around common principles, nothing more and nothing less. I enjoy these sorts of puzzles personally, and I found myself rapidly sucked in by the pace of Gravitex 2. In particular the challenge level was fantastically well balanced. Most levels take several tries to finish, but not so many it becomes frustrating. As each level is completed another one pops up, a steady increase in difficulty, or at least complexity, with each step. The game provides a steady reaffirmation of success while continually raising the bar slightly for the player and it is this pace that kept me coming back for more, not unlike a book that is a quick read yet too engaging to put down until it is finished.

    In conclusion, I found Gravitex 2 to be an excellent way to pass idle moments, and was somewhat surprised by this game's capacity to suck me in and keep me playing. The music was perfect for the pace of the game, and while repetitive it was not intrusively so. I am sure it is one I will keep coming back to for some time as I progress through the levels.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 16:42:43.

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    JDcsc126's Gravitex 2 (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 23 November, 2009

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