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    natasharp's Amateur Surgeon (Web)

    [January 27, 2010 09:00:57 AM]
    My second session of playing Amateur Surgeon was not as entertaining as the first. I became frustrated on a character. A corkscrew had to be used during the procedure and it wasn't the easiest tool to use. I couldn't complete the procedure and the patient died. In my opinion, they should make the corkscrew easier to use or it may just be my lack of skill.

    When a patient dies, the player can't go on to the next until the procedure for that patient is completed. That also became frustrating because I couldn't get past that one thing. If you quit the game and go back, it does give you the option of continuing your game or starting over.

    Amateur Surgeon is divided into acts. Since I couldn't get past the first one, I really don't have any information on just how complicated it gets the further you get along, but the game becomes more complex even after the first procedure. The injuries became more complicated and required more steps to complete.

    Although I did get frustrated, I will more than likely play this game again. It is a fun game to play and getting over that once procedure that made me frustrated just makes me want to play it so I can get past that phase.

    If the player is a fan of adultswim and/or playing surgeon then this is a game to try. I'm sure it's not hard to get farther than I did, but I just don't have the patience for things when I get frustrated with them. I'm pretty sure I will get past my little glitch and continue playing until l get to the next act.

    This entry has been edited 3 times. It was last edited on Jan 27th, 2010 at 09:23:03.

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    [January 27, 2010 08:47:05 AM]
    Amateur Surgeon is a web game on the Adult Swim website. The player is a pizza delivery guy who uses unusual tools to perform surgery on unusual characters.

    You kind of get a feel that you're a bootleg doctor performing surgeries to those that are less than acceptable in society. A couple of characters include a burglar who gets glass stuck in his chest from breaking into your clinic and a hillbilly that falls on a porcupine. The characters have a sort of freakish quality to them.

    For the first character, the game guides you as to what tools to use for specific injuries and that gives you an idea on how to do the procedures throughout the game. There is a timer and the patient's heart rate is monitored. Points are acquired when the injuries are cared for properly and by how much time the player has to spare. If the player takes too long on one area, the heart rate begins to drop until the patient dies.

    I think the gameplay for this game is pretty easy at first, but it does get a little bit harder as you go along. The conflict is created by the player trying to finish the surgery before time runs out or the patient's heart drops and the patient dies. Although the player is timed, he/she can't go too fast with the procedure or that would become an error and cause the patient's heart rate to drop.

    The game keeps the player interested by allowing the player to play doctor and perform some interesting procedures like; removing broken glass, opening up the patient's chest, repairing broken ribs and so on. The tools are interesting as well; a pizza cutter, tongs, cigarette lighter and staple well as other tools.

    On the first character, the game guides you as to what tools to use for specific injuries and that gives you an idea on how to do the procedures throughout the game. There is a timer and the patient's heart rate is monitored. Points are acquired when the injuries are cared for properly and by how much time the player has to spare. If the player takes too long on one area, the heart rate begins to drop until the patient dies.

    I think the gameplay for this game is pretty easy at first, but it does get a little bit harder as you go along. The conflict is created by the player trying to finish the surgery before time runs out or the patient's heart drops and the patient dies. Although the player is timed, he/she can't go too fast with the procedure or that would become an error and cause the patient's heart rate to drop.

    The game keeps the player interested by allowing the player to play doctor and perform some interesting procedures like; removing broken glass, opening up the patient's chest, repairing broken ribs and so on. The tools are interesting as well; a pizza cutter, tongs, cigarette lighter and staple well as other tools.

    The game becomes more complex the more successful you become at performing the surgeries. The injuries become more complicated and require more steps to complete.

    My first session of playing this game was fun. I went through the two and a half surgeries in about 20 minutes with no troubles at all. As I got used to the tools and knew what to use for what specific procedure, I began to get the flow of the game. Some points of the procedures became repetitive but that just made me able to finish faster.

    This entry has been edited 4 times. It was last edited on Jan 27th, 2010 at 09:21:53.

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    natasharp's Amateur Surgeon (Web)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 27 January, 2010

    natasharp's opinion and rating for this game

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