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    dramir16's Super Columbine Massaacre (Web)

    [February 23, 2010 12:31:26 AM]
    Dear Diary,
    I cannot play this game for another moment. I know this is not real and technically at this point I’m killing zombies, which is a norm for most games, but I genuinely dislike Super Columbine Massacre as a whole. I found no point in making this game in the first place because there was no actual moral in the game. I didn’t want to kill anybody, but because of this game is related to a tragic story, the only way to progress was to kill teenagers. This game also uses a lot of foul language which disturbed me and made me feel uncomfortable at times. For this reason I deiced to stop playing after completing the first half of the game.
    I also disagree with this game because I feel Ledonne, although maybe not intentionally, wanted to make a sad situation into a game where people can almost make fun at the story instead of feeling sympathetic. I can only imagine the pain the victim’s parents felt when they saw the PC game in their local store. Don’t these parents deserve respect and time to grieve for their loved ones? In my opinion, I will never play this game again because I felt like I disrespected the innocent victim’s and family members. This game reminded me of the airport game we played in class. There was no actual point in the game, but there was humor intended for example, the way our security is governed and how people lack to take their job seriously. In the same vein, this game does not have any positive outcomes and is a slap in the face to the community of Denver who witnessed the happening first hand.

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    [February 23, 2010 12:01:35 AM]
    Dear Diary,
    My first experience with this role-playing PC game was extremely frustrating. Initially, I felt Super Columbine Massacre was more focused on telling a story then actually allowing virtual interaction between the gamer and the teenage mass-murderers Dylan and Eric. While playing all I honestly did was approach objects like the telephone or the pizza box and then I pressed enter to find clues as to what exactly I was supposed to be accomplishing. After a blizzard of dialogues, I found out that Eric and Dylan were two teenage boys who became fed up with all of the bullying going around in their school called Columbine high school located in near Denver, Colorado. Both of these students were negatively traumatized by their oppressive peers. The Anger, shame, and inferiority reached the max point and so they decided to collect money to buy bombs, guns, butcher knives, and other explosives to end "their misfortune."
    After creating a home video for their parents (to say their final goodbye) and deciding they would kill themselves after they finished, Eric and Dylan decided to plant the bombs in the cafeteria, then sit on rebel hill to watch the tragedy unfold. While attempting to plant the bombs, my mission was to pass the halls full of students and surveillance without getting caught. If I did I would have to start all over since the beginning. I tried a total of twenty five times and failed miserably. I was very annoyed because at times I was steps away from entering the cafeteria when a "peer" stops me and then I would have to start all over.
    As I reflected on my time playing this game, I felt in a way disgusted because I knew my mission was to kill teenagers, teachers and staff. I also think Danny Ledonne, the creator made me feel more remorse because he cleverly placed actual images of the guns, bombs, and other items used in the actual massacre. He provided factual photos of the teenage mass-murders and created realistic dialogues between both the boys. One particular instance that made me shiver was when I tried to explore around the school parking lot, Eric would pop out explicitly telling me " You better not pussy out." This made me feel anxious and trapped. There was no turning back; I had reached the point of no return.

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    [February 23, 2010 12:00:37 AM]
    Dear Diary,

    It is Day 2, and I left off trying to plant the two bombs in the cafeteria. After an embarrassing thirty two tries, I was able to successfully enter the cafeteria. Little did I know I had to repeat the same process all over again to avoid getting caught by the school security. I quickly lost and was caught by a camera so I had to start all over again. after about ten minutes however, I was able to plant the bombs and flee from the scene.
    As I, "Dylan" waited with Eric for the bombs to set off we realized the bombs didn't work at all. With this, Eric and I quickly moved to plan B, which was to kill everyone we saw. Each time, "our" peers would be categorized into different groups like "popular girl" or "Jock." I also had many different options on how I wanted to kill the victim for example, with a knife, bomb, or gun. After killing many students and protecting my health at the same time, I was able to "accomplish the dream" of these two boys and so I had to shoot myself before we had any convictions against me.
    I thought the game was over and I had officially finished the game. unfortunately, I found out I was only halfway through the game and so I decided I would take a rest from all of the gory action that I had virtually created as "Dylan." In my opinion, I think the creator should have ended the game with the slide show showing real images of the students at Columbine high school. The photos had a major impact on me because It brings the gamer back to reality and shows us, as a player that it is a serious circumstance which should not be taken lightly.
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    dramir16's Super Columbine Massaacre (Web)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 21 February, 2010

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