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    alon's Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    [February 9, 2007 04:47:07 AM]
    DotA DMAREM is the custom map I played again. (game log 2 for assignment)
    Why do I play DotA? This time I am actually wondering this. DotA has no rules about behavior that must be followed. The problems in the game are often leavers, people who do not stay in the game and leave for their own reasons in mid game thus ruining the game for everyone. This has happened to me in the previous game. Lamers are the assholes that act like little kids cuss and talk excessively much shit; they are very annoying and sadly, other than banning them when one is found nothing can be done. The previous game I played had a lamer. Noobs are also a problem that is somewhat unavoidable. When a person comes in and dies repeatedly completely giving the other team the game it is annoying. It also ruins game play for the more experienced players. There are often special games for noobs only, which are also sadly ruined by more experienced players who come and annihilate everyone. Next problem that may arise is an “AFKer”. He is a person that simply leaves the computer for an undetermined period of time that is long, going to the bathroom is ok, while going out to dinner is usually not. This is actually sometimes worse than the leaver is because you do not get extra gold income nor can you use his items. A good sportsmanship rule is to let people share control of your hero so that they can use your items while you are away and your hero. All of the above are very common problems that often ruin a game completely for me. Luckily, I am an optimist and I understand that from a design perspective it is impossible to do anything.
    Many of these problems are existant in all online gamings and i just wish that gamers would follow sportsmanship rules more often and not leav/afk/feed(die giving other team exp and gold) on purpose or too many times.
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    [February 9, 2007 02:30:47 AM]
    DotA DMAREM is the custom map I played again. (game log 1 for asingment)
    Why do I play DotA? I have games with better graphics and a plotline. I have other warcraft3 maps that I like a lot and yet I play DotA repeatedly. The only motivation I have is to become better at the game as far as I see and obviously have my team win. I cannot imagine what went through the minds of the creators of this map which is a game in itself and even has it’s own gaming league separate from the warcraft3 one. I play because it immerses me in the magic circle amazingly well. I do not notice the passage of time at all while I am within a game. It has an objective of destroying the enemy team’s base or since this is death match kill 36 enemy heroes. It seems to give you somewhat of a Team vs. team battle that you are a participant in, you affect the outcome directly. If you die, either many times your team will lose or the other team will get a lot of money and experience and therefore beat your team. If you kill a lot, you will be stronger and will be able to help your team win. This is somewhat a concept of war, on the one hand you must do all you can to aid your team in killing the opponent and on the other hand you must not waste your live in vain. This is apparent especially in DM where dying means that you may get a new hero that is spell caster when you have a tank strategy on you. In DM, dying is that much worse.
    I lost the game and we were losing for about 15 minutes when I got techies a hero that sets defensive mines that hurt and mines that stun. My hero managed to hold them off and kill many of them directly and indirectly but in the end their final assault broke through my mines and my team was annihilated and we lost. This makes me want to play it again. I want to prove that I can do better and win next game with my team. This game has the ability to make a player wish to play again no matter what, you win you want to go ahead and win again showing those noobs who are worse than you how this game is played you lose you want to prove that you are not a noob to yourself and thus play again.
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    [January 12, 2007 06:36:06 AM]
    Second game of DOTA this time it was an AP. All pick is another kind of fun. Every person chooses one hero that they will forever be using and they need to make it as strong as possible. I enjoyed playing Zeus and did amazingly well getting 10 kills and only 2 deaths the whole 2-hour game. I really enjoyed the collaboration sniper and I had. I used my magic to weaken he used his ultimate to kill or nearly kill and than I used my ultimate to kill. I noticed that it is much more fun when you collaborate. We won the game. I like that Zeus has a power that does a certain amount of damage to every enemy hero on the map.

    Also the second time through the game I noticed that AP has it’s own fun because it means a longer game and though a two hour nonstop game may seem long it is amazingly short. I think the reason that I can play this game repeatedly for hours on end is because of the speed of the game. This game is fast you have to always keep moving whether forward to attack or backwards to not die. With my character, I had an advantage that the enemy could not run as well because I could hit it without even knowing where he is. I find that this game is one of many where I do not notice the passage of time because I am so engrossed in the game that I do not even have time to spare a thought on anything else. A game must have constant action in it and it is actually the most fun part though it may tell of no plot it still is as fun. It is the reason pong is fun, because you have quick instant reactions. Therefore, I believe a quick-paced game is important so that you have fun
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    [January 12, 2007 04:31:45 AM]
    DOTA DMAREM custom map.

    The game took 58 minutes and my team won. This game is a custom map made onto Warcraft3TFT and is the most popular game in Warcraft3TFT. Average game time 1hr. The game map has no storyline. You have two teams of five players each and they fight each other. Therefore, what makes this the most popular game on Warcraft3TFT? it is a semi RPG strategy game. It has absolutely no managing of troops your people produce and all the buildings are equally set whether you are night elf or undead. The only time you can even tell troops what to do is when one of your special abilities summons them. You have a hero that will make or break your team. Your mission is not to die which is very challenging and while doing that kill the enemy. To make it yet more complicated you have different items that you can buy to make your unit stronger. In addition, there are many items that combine into stronger items or items that give you a power. The game is fun because while it does take an hour to play your hero usually barley reaches level 25 at the end of the hour if at all.
    The game has host choose a mode that is known to all people beforehand. The mode makes it that you can play the game and every experience is random. My favorite mode is DMAREM. It stands for death match, all random, easy modes. You start with a random hero but if it dies, you receive a completely new random hero with the same items that your previous hero had and the same level. EM simply means the game will end in an hour instead of an hour and a half on average, because in EM there is faster leveling up and more money. This allowing people to choose different modes that specify what kind of modes makes the game much more fun for it makes it harder. The idea of DM is fascinating for me. In most games, you have one hero that you are insanely strong with and if you are good, you may overpower it. With death match when you die and most, everyone dies at some point, at least once, unless playing complete newbs, than you get a new hero. This new hero can be as different as a magic user that relies heavily on spells and a heavy attacker unit that has almost no need of manna or a quick attacker that just needs to add damage. This thus makes it more fun for me because it is a much greater challenge to find items that will still be useful almost certainly no matter what my next hero will be after I die.
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    alon's Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 9 January, 2007

    alon's opinion and rating for this game

    normal gameplay is ok but playing custom online games is insanly fun

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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