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    TaylorWheatland's GTA 4 (360)

    [March 1, 2010 06:49:51 PM]
    The second time I played GTA4, I went straight for the cheat codes. I got a FBI Buffalo, which is basically a fast undercover cop car. It was awesome turning on the sirens and having a sea of cars split right in front of me. The cars in the game are amazingly durable. I literally got into ten different accidents going at least forty and it was still going. Along with the car, I got an arrangement of guns. Once again though, the police were hot on my ass after I shot a couple pedestrians. I mean come on. They had a helicopter on me and about twelve police cars chasing me after I fired off a few shots. Another thing is that when you don't comply with the police, they are very quick to pull the trigger on you. It really just gets frustrating after a while trying to lose the cops. In a matter of about ten minutes I drove my car till I crashed, jumped about two stories to a boardwalk, then jumped another two stories to the bay. I laid low for a minute or so, then when I got out of the water and rounded the corner eight cops opened fire and I almost crapped myself. I guess if you had to go, then that would be the way to go out. haha
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    TaylorWheatland's GTA 4 (360)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 1 March, 2010

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