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    alon's Utopia (Web)

    [January 12, 2007 03:04:05 AM]
    Utopia is awesome. It has no graphics at all. Therefore, there is no graphic component that most designers claim is fun. It is free which a great plus is for I do not care about some flash advertisements that allow me to continue to play it while pays the developers well. It is a team based Live MMO Strategy game. I think that having a strategy game in which you are in a kingdom with 20+ other people all helping each other compete against the other entire kingdom is a part of what makes it fun. To start out you have a choice of eight different races for your people and different personalities to run as well. This game is addicting because it is live 24/7. You are always in the game server. There is no need to be there for someone to attack you. This game requires teamwork to succeed. Your kingdom tries to coordinate attacks on different kingdoms to get into war with them, which is currently what my kingdom is trying to do. I am a bit smaller than most of the other players for I joined this kingdom a bit late in the age for I quit this game during fall quarter.
    Restarting the game is vital to keeping it fun. Every two-3months the game completely restarts. You can choose to stay in your kingdom or delete and try to join a new kingdom. I am currently in one of the top kingdoms in the game. I am unlikely to leave this kingdom. Every two- three months are called an age. Every age there are some changes to the game to keep it fun. Every age is at least a little bit different. This is yet another fun Idea. Having a game that changes every few month’s sounds hard but it also means that people will keep playing your game. With a game like utopia, which has over 80000 people currently playing it, the ads they have on their website, finances them as well as WOW paying each month except I consider ads much superior to paying money each month to play a game. I wonder if it is possible to have ads in computer games instead of having to pay to buy and play the game, if it is possible, I think it is worth it even if you will not gain as much money per person many many more people will play the game.
    The game requires that I spend about 20 minutes 4 times a day for me to keep up with my super competitive kingdom. A new player can often get by with less than 30minutes a day. I find that the actual interaction with the people in my kingdom and making friends that actually come and visit you when they go on a business trip to your town is cool. I love talking to them about the game about our plans as a kingdom about who should we attack next and what should we do to better our playing.
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    alon's Utopia (Web)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 9 January, 2007

    alon's opinion and rating for this game

    online strategy MMO my fav, the only game that i have played for the last 9 years almost continualy

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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