toni's monopoly (Other)
[March 4, 2010 12:09:24 AM]
I went to Strange Brew last weekend with a group of friends and this time not for a latte, but for a monopoly game session. But, it was not just a fun session, I always had the game designer or critic in me behind the game play. I was looking at the property names, cards, spaces, icons, pawns, and everything else with a critical eye. Yes, I was multi-tasking – having fun with the game and getting my assignment along the way.
The game not only adds to the fun factor, but one also learns the hard facts of business – “managing your resources.” This is what makes monopoly a practical game, very different from the rest of the games in the league.
Options of mortgaging your properties in the later stages to keep the game going is because of what the game can last you an entire weekend sometimes!
This aspect of the game bothers me and many other players too. The game seems to have no end if you actually come to think of it. This can lead to frustration sometimes and the game loses its replay value, even though temporarily.
I have grown up in India. For me, properties like Vermont Avenue or James Place would really not have made sense. I really appreciate Parker Brothers for coming up with other versions of the game, thus thinking from a global market standpoint with sensitivity towards socio-cultural diversity.
The game of monopoly has many risks and rewards and the strategy is a very top priority and essential for successful game play.
The concept of negotiation with fellow players is a positive aspect of the game as it creates an atmosphere of friendly competition - The ultimate objective of any game or any sport!!
People all over the globe seem to love Mr. Monopoly or Rich Uncle Penny bags, the mustached man! More than 500 million people play the game and with the fun, strategy and competition the game provides, generations to come will be a part of the monopoly culture and it will remain the most popular board game worldwide.
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toni's monopoly (Other)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Thursday 4 March, 2010