ihatepoker11's Super Columbine Massaacre (Web)
[March 4, 2010 03:41:06 AM]
The Super Columbine Massacre. RPGs these days. The game is a depiction of the columbine massacre in RPG format. Currently I'm at the point in the game where they have arrived at school and plan to bring the bombs inside. The game is like most 8-bit. Terrible graphically with funny music as its pairing. One thing I noticed right away was the dialogue was in 1337 or LEET. Wh3n 3v3r th3 ch4r4ct3rs would talk to each other various numbers replaced the actual letter, usually replaced with one that was similar in appearance. After a while though even I was thrown off by some of the words.
This is as far as I've gotten so far, more to come soon.
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ihatepoker11's Super Columbine Massaacre (Web)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Thursday 4 March, 2010