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    FrogMcJones's Metal Gear AC!D (PSP)

    [January 11, 2007 09:12:19 PM]
    After my second session of playing I have gotten a better feel for the game as a whole. Entering instances with many more enemies makes things more difficult and interesting, and gave me a finer view of the strategy attached with the card system. In light of that at this point in the game it seems pretty easy to know which cards to keep and which to discard because of their currently useless atributes, and moving through the levels has been pretty simple. Though I either do not understand the implications of being seen by the enemy, or they are not consistent - obviously being detected by the enemy in MGS games is something readily avoided and an aquired skill to do efficiently, but in this game I have found myself walking infront of an enemy to kill them and sometimes sounding the alarm, and sometimes just having them be ready to call for help.
    One thing I have found myself being alittle put off by is that the game is kind of slow and it seems alittle clunky (though that may change as I gain more fines in my play style). The virtue of a turn based game like FF Tactics was that the field of play was straight forward and open, and even though it would start slow as people went into position that was not a very long process. Whereas in AC!D, I found myself running through the maze like maps, turn by turn, having to wait for the turns of other soldiers patroling to decide to move 2 feet, before I got to go again. So if you are looking to play a fast paced game with lots of parallel movement like the other MSG games - AC!D is not the one - But it's style could be good when the opposing mood is felt.
    Another side note - The characters are itneresting and well developed in AC!D, but much like some other MSG games, I am annoyed by the 5 minute conversations that commence multiple times inbetween missions.
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    [January 9, 2007 11:50:48 PM]
    Playing Metal Gear AC!D for the first time was certainly a surprising experience for someone like myself that has played the past Metal Gear games. Coming from a 3rd person shooter background, AC!D brings a new RPG look to the Metal Gear series with its turn based gameplay akin to FF Tactics. Though slightly thrown off guard by having to learn a novel interface, the mystical story line filled with terrorism was something that had not changed from the past Metal Gears. Right from the get go there are children dolls hijacking an airplane with some type of paralyzing gas, and of course Snake has to somehow on his own difuse the situation. And even though I have not gotten very far yet, I can tell from my past experiences that the story will unfold in an strangely interesting manner that tends to keep me guessing and ingaged in what is coming next.
    I have not yet completely explored the elements of the card and turn based RPG feel that AC!D has, but so far I have found it pretty enjoyable. I anticipated frustration with the system with something like running around a corner with no turns left and instantly dying - But so far the initial missions have been forgiving to my lack of fluid understanding of the mechanics.
    And so even though this game only really mirrors the past Metal Gears in it's story and characters - Whom are always characters that are well developed and through through - I have found myself wishing to get further. Instead of the new system frustrating me, so far it seems well enough constructed and the levels well enough designed to keep me interested to get further through the story, and to also master this new kind of game play that I have never really experienced before.
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    FrogMcJones's Metal Gear AC!D (PSP)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 9 January, 2007

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