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    GamingPro29's The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (GB)

    [October 26, 2010 11:55:12 PM]
    Haven't been able to record lately as I've been busy editing/uploading and doing school work. I was however able to record a little while ago and finished the game (didn't realize I was so close to finishing). The game itself was not too bad with my only complaint being the AI was horrible. They were either easily tricked giving me a clear shot at finishing the stage or they were too clever and would actually turn around to trap me in a corner. That being said, it was an enjoyable game. I will finish the uploading tomorrow and then I will think of what game to move on to next.
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    [October 17, 2010 10:56:52 PM]
    Started editing up the videos for The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle today. I have completed 40/80 levels so far and overall the game is not too bad, but the AI does have its moments of being either completely stupid and giving you a free pass to the carrots or being too tough and not falling for anything resulting in your unfortunate death. The game goes by quickly and I should start uploading 10 levels at a time (2 videos with 5 levels each) shortly and should finish the game by the end of the week.
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    GamingPro29's The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (GB)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 17 October, 2010

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 26 October, 2010

    GamingPro29's opinion and rating for this game

    Alright game, except for the AI problems.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstar

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