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    DerekD's Columbine RPG (PC)

    [October 27, 2010 07:18:03 AM]
    Last and final day of play for columbine, I decide to start the game all over again. But this time, i just decide to avoid the good kids and church kids and only attack jocks and popular kids. It was very difficult, you can say it put a little bit more excitement into the game. There were time it was inevitable, but if you put enough effort into it, you can keep the killing in this game to a minimum. Maybe that would be a more "ethically" way to play, only killing the jocks and popular kids that caused problems for Eric and Dylan. There was a couple time i encountered a couple kids that Eric told them to go home and I was like surprised, even thought they were thought to be heartless killers, he has some affection for a couple of kids in the school. But after three days of pay, there was nothing effecting my opinion of the event of Columbine, it was very tragic event and for this game to make fun of that event is just wrong, but on the other hand, if u take the context out of the game, it would be similar to the game Pokemon.
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    [October 26, 2010 06:23:12 PM]
    So the second day of playing Columbine the Game, I got to finish it. Today had more store lines than before. It showed why these guys were killing the kids at school. It might not be true to the real life event but now it shows us what the motive behind the shooting for this game was. Playing it today, I began to feel less prone to think about what I’m doing rather than just trying to get to the end today. The missions are not as clear as other games, I stumbled onto each mission by accident. At the end it had a slideshow of Eric and Dylan. I do not know if the creator is trying to make us feel bad for them or something else. The fact is we played Eric the whole game, and in the end Eric kills himself after killing all these people and the creator gives us a slideshow along with some dramatic music of Eric and Dylan. Was the message the creator trying to tell us is not to blame Eric and Dylan but to blame the people that ignored, teased and beat them? I believe that is what the creator is trying to tell us, by showing us that side of the story.
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    [October 25, 2010 07:31:35 PM]
    Columbine was one of the most violent events in American History, and for someone to create a game about it is just not right. But putting this aside, it is just a regular RPG game, while playing this game I was conflicted through my feelings, telling myself “Why am I doing this, this is wrong.” Reenacting one of the most violent days in American history, its like reenacting the terrorists attack on the twin towers. Well getting back to the game, the story started when Eric woke up, it was the day of the shoot and he prepared everything, he met up with Dylan and the shooting and explosion was all planned out.
    The first difficult part of the game was to get the propane into the cafeteria without anyone seeing you. Every time I got caught I have to start from the beginning, even when I do advance through to the cafeteria and got caught, I would have to start back at the parking lot. It was frustrating, but I felt I got quite a lot of the game done playing it the first time, not to mention that I started the game over twice before I got to as far as where I started to actually shoot people. I was having difficulty reading the text because of how it was presented, some lettering were not clear enough to be read. It seemed to me that it was somewhat like a Pokémon game where you would use your character to find another “monsters” where as in this case, another person, to battle against. You gain experience from defeating the other character.
    So this is my first day of play, played it for about one hour and 15 minutes. It took me so long to get to the part where they blew up the propane tanks because I had to restart twice because I thought I misread the unclear text but when I didn’t. It had unclear directions.
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    DerekD's Columbine RPG (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 25 October, 2010

    DerekD's opinion and rating for this game

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