Aj7391's Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)
[October 28, 2010 02:44:54 AM]
It is day three and final day of my three 30-minute sessions of playing Super Columbine Massacre RPG for PC. Once again the game is very unethical and it does make you ask important ethical questions to yourself. In the end the character is fighting demons and monsters in hell, which shows that they got themselves what they deserved. There is no way they were going to heaven after taking so many innocent lives. Though I do believe in the theories and experiments that were performed on the human beings on how one superior human being acts on its inferior if given all the freedom they want and if laws didn’t exist. This must have been on the killer’s mind probably when he killed those innocent kids. It was an infamous experiment that was performed in 1971 known as “Stanford prison experiment” that was conducted by Philip Zimbardo of Stanford experiment where he recruited a group of students to perform the roles of ‘prisoner’ and ‘guard’ to study the psychological effects of human beings in general if given the power to do whatever they want and taking away the laws from society. After all we all are animals with brains and know how to use it. That’s why we are superior in animal kingdom. So, as far as the game is concerned in order to play it there should be some sort of age verification before downloading the game because it can have a very bad effect on the young children especially to those who are between 12 to 15 years of age as they find blowing people up cool and they admire violence and bad guys. They think that it is badass. What they don’t seem to understand is that they are only undergoing development of their minds and if they play these kind of games in that age they will have a negative impact in their decision making once they get matured and adult. In the video they interviewed a teacher who said she had young students cheering on the bad guys in the game. This proves my point on the negative effects of the game on young children and that it should be kept away from them. I think that the creator has really put in his efforts to show the world that the Columbine massacre was really wrong and tried to educate the people that human minds even work in twisted and crooked ways and that people need to go to psychologists.
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[October 27, 2010 06:56:20 PM]
It is day two of my three 30-minute sessions of playing Super Columbine Massacre RPG for PC. After talking with my partner in crime I moved on and found out that I can equip Marilyn Manson CD and the Doom game to Eric to raise the stats. I stopped at the water fountain after getting past the hall monitors and got a lot of information about Denver’s water and the difference between hard and soft water. Moving on the bombs I planted failed and so now I was on the killing spree. It was interesting that every kill was a generic student. No one had any names. I think this shows how killers don’t think about people and do not show any mercy towards them in real life, which is being conveyed through this game. It makes us think was it moral to put a player in the position of killers in this tragic game? I would have to say that it wasn’t moral at all. It did not create sympathy to any of those guys. The game pretty much tries to make us revisit the situation that must have happened in those killings and nothing more. There is an on-going debate since several years that should violence be considered worse than showing bare and naked scenes in the movies? Especially after watching “The Film Is Not Yet Rated” in the class and after playing this game I strongly believe that violence is far more under-rated as a threat than sexual content to public. People don’t understand the effects of too violent games like Super Columbine Massacre RPG and how their children minds are affected by playing these kinds of games. So, moving on into the game I was engaged in mostly one-sided fights with the kids running around the parking lot. I increased my stats every time I killed someone and I think it helped me kill people later on a lot easier.
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[October 26, 2010 07:45:45 PM]
Today is day one of my three 30-minute sessions of playing Super Columbine Massacre RPG for PC. The main characters in the game are Eric and Dylan. At the beginning of the game the player has to go through the doors and then he goes to a basement where he finds a black leather bag full of weapons, which he has to collect. After collecting it he meets up with a guy and the guy tells him rest of the details like planting bombs in the cafeteria and all different kinds of dirty work. Throughout the game the player observes obscenity in the behavior and a frequent use of foul language. If we look at the ethical and/or moral perspective behind the game there is no whatsoever. Throughout the game the text is very hard to read and so by skipping texts I wasn’t really sure what my mission was. Anyways moving onto the mission I had to walk through the parking lot and enter the hallway of the school/college. I had to pass through the hall monitors and I had to make sure that they don’t catch me or else I had to start again from the entrance of the hallway. I must have got caught like 20 times and then I finally move to the next door. By the way Machinima rates this game as number 2 amidst the top 10 most offensive pc games. So, we can already make out that this game does not have any ethics or moral values behind it. This game revisits the shooting that took place in 1999 and gives us a feel what must have been going on the mind of that killer and can be considered more realistic than most other games of that time. So, moving on I really had a hard time in planting the bombs and I finally managed to go the parking lot and got the weapons from the back of the trunk of the car. Dylan is my partner in crime and we talked about how we needed to kill as many people as possible.
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