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    Ginkeifighter4's Pikmin 2 (GC)

    [January 10, 2007 06:41:02 PM]
    Alright sorry folks i got a little confused about the interface. This is the continuation of my Pikmin 2 gamelog. I would say I have played Pikmin 2 for about 10 hours and have thoroughly enjoyed myself. The game revolves around controlling small plant-like creatures called Pikmin. These Pikmin destroy monstrous creatures, carry treasures, as well as get tokens to create more Pikmin. They also come in 5 different colors: red, blue, yellow, white, and purple. Each of the Pikmin have their own strengths and weaknesses that compliment the game extremely well. There are also many different kinds of treasures that range from bottle caps and batteries to old school Nintendo parephanelia such as R.O.B. and the Game and Watch handhelds. The controls are balanced, tight, and enjoyable and it is not difficult to accomplish many tasks at once. This is because Olimar's assistant Louie is also a playable character which makes it simple to command two armies of Pikmin at once. It is always a smooth transition between the two main characters and this aids the game greatly.
    Its difficult to explain just how humorous this game really is. Its unlike just about every other game out there and it combines elements of strategy, action adventure, and role playing game that pulls each part together to create an experience that is new and fresh. Buy this game!
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    Ginkeifighter4's Pikmin 2 (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 10 January, 2007

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