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    kbrown's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    [November 3, 2010 01:01:42 PM]
    This play made me a lot more uncomfortable. I had a lot of directional problems and a lot of trouble with the controls so this lead me to dying a few times and having to start over a few times. I started out at my house and getting a phone call. It was a police officer telling me to make sure I don’t leave town. He was condescending and using racial slurs that would not be seen as ok in today’s society. One could argue that the police officer is going against the social contract because as a society we agree to treat others with respect and not discriminate against any specific group of people, here he is clearly going against that.
    My thoughts about playing as a “good” person were also all thrown out the window. So far I’ve been trying to follow most laws that I can and not just go around killing and stealing. However, my first mission on today’s play was to go kill a crack dealer. Even though this person isn’t the best and on “our turf”, that’s really no reason for me to kill them. The first time I went through this mission I had no weapons and just tried to fight them. I ended up dead and back at the hospital having to start over. This time my friends told me I had to get my own weapon around my house then go kill them. I found a gun this time and was able to shoot the crack dealers and make it to the next part of the mission. Next I had to go to someone’s house and Ryder and I ended up killing mostly everyone who was there or else I would have been killed. I didn’t do a great job though because I am still very new at this so I ended up dying anyway.
    Third times a charm though, I finally made it to the end of the mission. This time I was able to kill the crack dealers with no weapons because I forgot to get them back at my house and that gave me a bat. I then used this bat at the house to beat everyone there. There was definitely some discomfort in the idea of actually beating or shooting someone. It was very different from when I would be in a car and accidentally run someone over. I think it’s because when I was in the car, I wasn’t seeking people out to kill them. During this mission, however, I was going to these places to kill a specific person or group of people. Also after you hit someone with your car you don’t see them again because you drive away. When I killed people in this mission, at least in the house, their dead bodies were still in the room as I was fighting the other people in the room.
    This game creates situations that not everyday people experience. It is racist and discriminatory because it puts non-whites in stereotypical non-white situations. Also the language used is how that stereotype would talk. Your character is only looking out for themselves no matter the consequence. These unrealistic situations cause you to act with no morals or care in the world. You can kill anyone, break any law, and not have to feel any guilt or remorse. This game lets you live with no ethics or morals.
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    [November 2, 2010 12:02:39 AM]
    So trial number two for Grand Theft Auto involved a lot more violence and a lot more law breaking. This time around I was able to start my first actual mission, which involved tagging various areas around the city. I drove a car this time multiple times and due to the lack of skills I have with the controls, I ended up causing much more damage than intended. I ran over multiple people and had many hit-and-runs. This of course was not my intention but because this game is this game, you end up doing a lot of things you wouldn’t normally do. For the most part, I began with the intention to follow all the rules that I could. I would just tag the area I was suppose to and move on, not hurting or bothering anyone else. But when I got to my second place I had to tag there were gang members from my “enemy gang” standing right where I needed to tag. I didn’t really know how to get around this then my friend informed me that I had to spray paint the gang members to kill them, otherwise I would die and fail the mission. I found this really interesting because if I were trying to play this game without breaking any rules, I would have no choice but to kill these people. It is either kill them or die and fail yourself. You have to practice ethical egotism because you have to look out for yourself before anyone. This game in general throws out any moral judgment one would normally have. I got to points in the game where I was tired of how long it was taking to run places to I was actively stealing cars just to help make things go faster. This ultimately ended up in me getting in a lot of trouble because I accidentally stole a cop’s motorcycle and accidentally ran over a few people on multiple occasions. This game takes out any sense of moral actions and really allows you to do anything you want to. Another observation I made was that in general, this game discriminates against nonwhite characters. It has prostitutes and multiple gangs that are all shown in a very stereotypical, racist ways.
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    [October 30, 2010 06:47:01 PM]
    So I have played Grand Theft Auto before but this was my first time playing San Andreas. When I played last time, I was mainly just diving furiously around the city trying not to break too many laws and avoiding the cops. This time, I was playing through the story line. Honestly, I didn’t really realize that there was such a prominent storyline; I had assumed you just did whatever you wanted, steal whatever you wanted, and killed who ever you wanted.
    So far, I am not too far into this game, but I have met Big Smoke, Sweet, Kendl, and Ryder. These names alone set up the feel of this game. These aren’t normal names that one hears everyday. I had to think about whether Sweet was a girl or a boy when I first heard it. The whole beginning storyline begins with racist stereotyping. First of all, I could only understand every other word and they said and usually it was cursing of some kind. The only time we see Sweet talk to Kendl they are yelling at each to her and she is dressed very promiscuously. They not only treated each other badly but they treated other people. When they went to get pizza, the player was just learning how they can get food and Ryder pulls a gun on the guy for no reason. You, the player, has no say in what goes on.
    For the most part I was keeping to following the laws. I didn’t steal any cars and didn’t hurt anyone. I was able to choose between being good or bad. But when Ryder pulled the gun on the pizza guy I was automatically bad, I had no choice in the matter. So far it seems that the game gives the intent that you can just do the missions and follow the law, if you don’t want to be bad you don’t have to be. But as the game goes on, I know I will have to do things that are against what one would usually do in real life. The only difference here is that it doesn’t matter if I steal a car or kill a cop. I will always be given another try even if I end up getting killed.
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    kbrown's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 30 October, 2010

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