When I started playing this time I tried to stay on the storyline. I really noticed a lot more stereotypical things. The gangs that all dress up alike and the different races that dress up differently. Especially the mexicans it was really apparent that their accent and their clothes. The really single out groups and make them look very specific. The prostitutes stand out. The language they use is really realistic because thats how people really talk and the profanity they use. The fact that you can beat police and just random civilians really is unethical. No matter what you do there is not punishment for anything that you do. It shows players that if you do something bad there is no consequence except paying 100 dollars. The whole game is just all about mischief and doing bad things I just really think that there is no way in this game to make it ethical. The story line does not require you to do anything good. The only thing that I saw was good was after you die you can get in an ambulance and rescue patients.
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