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    Apollo's Mario Kart DS (DS)

    [February 9, 2007 07:26:30 PM]
    I continued playing, but I decided to focus on the features that go over and beyond the standard Mario Kart. I believe that the mission system is original to the DS version though it may have been in the GBA version which I never played. Each level of mission categories follow a similar pattern, 8 missions that you can do in any order and then the nine mission which is a boss battle is unlocked. Once you complete the boss battle, the next level of missions is opened all the way to 7. There's a variety of different things to do from collecting coins, to go through gates, to beating a certain character through a lap of course. Overall it is a fun system.

    However I think the most unique feature in Mario Kart, is also one that brings the player to have more of a connection to their racer. Most people will find a favorite driver and car combination or ping pong between a couple different ones. But this version allows you to go one step further and create a customizable avatar/symbol that will display on your car and next to your name if you decide to participate in online play, another feature that adds a whole lot of replay ability. The interface to draw your symbol is easy to use and there's a ton of online resources that you can use to create all sorts of symbols, from Star Fox to Metriod to pretty much anything you can think of.

    This feature creates a kind of bond between the player and his current driver and car, and leads to a greater sense of enjoyment from the gameplay.
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    [February 9, 2007 01:42:46 AM]
    This is the newest addition to one of my favorite series, stretching all the back to it's debut on the SNES. It features all the classic Mario Kart characters with two unique characters in Dry Bones and Rob the Robot. But that is not the only place this game delivers. It features tracks from every previous incarnation of the game. It has 8 grand prixs, totaling 32 tracks with 4 difficulty levels, a ton of missions, and the ever popular time trial, or you can battle with your friends.

    The game play is simple, navigate the tracks, collect item boxes and use those items to knock around your foes. There is some skill involved with proper item usage and timing your slide/mini boosts. Also a new driving feature has been added , Drafting. Basically if you drive directly behind someone you'll have less air resistance so your speed will increase allowing you to zip past them.

    All these aside, probably the best feature of the game is that it utilizes the single card multiplay features of the DS to all you to race with your friends, or strangers as long as they have a DS. Of course they're Shy Guys and the person with the card always gets to make the decisions, but from personal experience it's quite entertaining, and has lead to more sales of the game.

    Being one of my favorite racing games stemming from the SNES, it has sated me for the time being, but my anticipation is rising for my other favorite racing game from the SNES, Diddy Kong Racing, soon to grace the DS.
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    Apollo's Mario Kart DS (DS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 8 December, 2006

    Apollo's opinion and rating for this game

    It really came through compared to the debauchery that was Double Dash.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See Apollo's page

    See info on Mario Kart DS

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Mario Kart DS (DS) by coyoteman_1 (rating: 4)
    2 : Mario Kart DS (DS) by galatasaraygirl (rating: 5)
    3 : Mario Kart DS (DS) by hlujan (rating: 5)


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