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    Eclypse's Clue: Discover the Secrets (Other)

    [January 26, 2011 06:57:22 PM]
    Clue: Discover the Secrets

    This is a newer version of an older board game of Clue. I have not played the old version, so I cannot compare the two. The game is a 3 to 6 player game, preferably 5 or 6 players. In the game clue, there is a murderer and the objective of the game is to find out who the murderer is, what their murder weapon was, and where this murder took place. The players use a note pad, personal player skills, and the process of elimination strategy to narrow down the suspects. At the beginning of each game, the Rumor cards(these have suspects, weapons, and places on them) are divided up into categories of place, weapon, and suspect. One card from each category is taken and put in the Confidential's folder to hold the actual murderer, murder weapon, and murder place. The rest of the Rumor cards are divided evenly among the players. Players will pick their token(suspect) to play, however; their Rumor card ma be the murderer or may be in another player's hand to disprove a scenario. Each player has a list of the weapons, places, and suspects that they will use to mark off each time something is disproved until they can determine the murder items.

    A player will start and roll dice until he or she reaches a room. They will then accuse a suspect, a weapon to have murdered in that room. Starting from that player's left, players will go in turn until they have a Rumor card that will disprove that their scenario wasn't correct. Once a piece of the scenario is proven wrong, it is marked off the list of weapons, rooms, suspects of the current player. A player cannot make a scenario in the same room as their last turn, unless they have an Intrigue card that allows them to.

    The game is set in a millionaire's mansion.

    The board is divided up into rooms that players/suspects may accuse each other of scenarios where someone killed. The rooms include: the Kitchen, Patio, Spa, Dining Room, Pool, Theatre, Living Room, Guest House, Hall, and Observatory. There are secret passages between the Spa and the Guest House, as well as the Kitchen and Observatory so that players can move from room to room without walking a "space". The players are originally positioned along the outside edges of the game, outside of the rooms. The Pool is where a player would go if they want to propose the murder events. There are "?" spaces occasionally on the board, as well as on one surface of the two dice. If one lands on, or rolls a "?" they must pick up an intrigue card. An intrigue card may have several outcomes. The card could be an ability such as getting to see a card that disproved a scenario or getting to make a scenario in the same room you were just in. The intrigue card can also kill a player if the card has a clock on it. This will eliminate the player from the game.

    There are six possible suspects, whether there are six players or not. These suspects include an actress Kasandra Scarlet(red), a former football player Jack Mustard(yellow), an ex-child star Diane White(white), a well connected Jacob Green(green), a manners freak Eleanor Peacock(blue), and billionaire game designer Victor Plum(purple). Each suspect has a unique ability. For example, Scarlet can view a card that was used to disprove a murder scenario once during the game. One of these characters committed the murder, whether they are being played as or not.

    The murder weapons of the game include: a rope, a candlestick, a knife, a pistol, a baseball bat, a dumbbell, a trophy, poison, and an axe. These can be items that a player uses in their murder scenario to guess what the actual murder weapon was.

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    Eclypse's Clue: Discover the Secrets (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 26 January, 2011

    Eclypse's opinion and rating for this game

    I enjoyed the game. The game was a little confusing at first, but after the concept was established it became competitive.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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