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    Max_Seven's Magic the Gathering (Other)

    [January 27, 2011 12:55:28 PM]
    -- Magic the Gathering --

    Style: Card Game

    Players: 2 or more

    Objective: Reduce opponent's life to 0.

    Materials: Magic the Gathering cards and Dice of different sizes usually d20.

    - Terms -

    Types of Cards

    Lands : are used to get mana to summon creatures and to cast spells

    Creatures: are permanent cards that may attack your opponent and defend

    Enchantments: are permanent spells that remain in play when cast. You can play only during your turn.

    Artifacts : are permanents, that can be lands, creatures, and typically have ability activate pay some cost.

    Instants: are one-time effects that go the the graveyard right after casting.

    Sorceries: are similar to Instants, but you can cast them doing your turn.

    There are five colors of magic:

    White magic: It focuses on spells of healing and protection.
    Blue magic: It thrives on intelligence and counters.
    Black magic: Use powers and seek domination at any cost.
    Red magic: Goes for fast aggressive and destructive damage.
    Green magic: Gets life from forest and bring both peace and destruction.

    Areas of Play

    Library: The player's deck. These cards are faced down and shuffled to begin the game.
    Deck: Can consist of various Magic the Gathering, of a single or multiple colors.
    Hand: The player's hand of cards that can be played.
    Battlefield: The area where players used their cards to be effect in the play.
    Graveyard: The player's discard pile where cards were played or destroyed.
    Stack: The place where cards have been cast.
    Exile: Cards that been removed from the game and the player's graveyard.

    - Game Rules -

    To play, The deck need at least 60 cards, may not have more than four of the same card, except of land.

    Each player begin with 20 life each, or if you short on time 10 life each and a way to track their life total.

    With two players, only the player two can draw a card beginning of the game.

    With Multi-player everybody draw a card at the start.

    Each player should shuffle their decks and draw seven cards.

    Each player should check their hand to make sure they have two or more land. If not player should declare mulligan to discard their hand, reshuffle, and draw a new hand.

    To win by reducing opponent's life to 0 or less or if the opponent can no longer draw a card.

    - Game play -
    Set up: Each player must shuffled their deck and the opponent cuts it. The decks are placed faced down to owner's position on the battlefield. Each player starts with 20 life.
    The starting player is decided to whomever rolls larger number of the dice or another mutual way who goes first.

    - Game Flow -

    Phases and Steps

    The player starts in the beginning phases. Any of the player's that were tapped become untapped. After untapping steps is the upkeep step. The upkeep is when the player
    must the follow cost and abilities during this step. If you don't have such as card in play, nothing can be during this step. Next, the draw one card from the top of your
    library,but if you don't have anymore cards to draw, you lose.

    During the process of the first and second phases, with the Combat phases separating the both of them. The player should always play a land each turn if there land in player's hand, and also
    cast spells if they have the mana to do so. The player may as well cast other cards such sorceress, enchantments, artifacts, and creatures before and after the combat phase, but not during it.

    The Combat phases consists of the player attacking the opponent with any creature in play, toward any opponent who can defend with their own creatures, use a instant spell cards or take
    the damage directly.

    The ending phases has two steps the end of turn and the clean up. The end of turn is when the player declare of their turn. The clean up damaged on all creatures are
    removed and effects last until end of turn ending.

    Then it is the opponent turn.

    - Game Sessions -

    First Session : We played Magic the Gathering with 4 players. I play Magic the Gathering before, but it was with
    beginner decks. I noticed that beginner decks had no artifacts card, compared with strong and powerful decks I play
    with and against that night. I play with a Sliver deck I experienced conflict with other player, because I was using the Sliver deck. At first, I didn't know what
    was the what problem, I considered myself just a newbie, however I was able to win my game in Magic using the Sliver deck. My friend, Pat was only player left in the
    game, and he was three points away from killing me.

    Second Session : The second game I played with all green magic deck called " The Big Green ", but I was not able to cast too many powerful creatures, due to the fact
    I was unable play enough land on the battlefield to sum it up I wasn't that much of a threat. Also, Pat was using the Sliver deck from the second game. I understand why
    attacking the player with deck Sliver is necessary, because the amount of damage, and the ability of the Essence Sliver " Whenever a Sliver deals damage, it controller
    gain that much life." Yea, I can honest that is really good ability to have on the battlefield. This game last for such so time, since we were trying to kill all of Pat
    Essence Sliver in play. Pretty much after weaken Pat forces, everybody was in a low life point range where it was anybody game but my friend Kris all red magic won the

    - Overall -

    Magic the Gathering is complex card based game that takes time and experience to become high level player. With the number of the decks that can created,
    flow of the game can be various way. You can started out decent amount of land and creatures, then in one turn that all that can gone with one card. The game is constantly changing with all possibilities of each card. I find Magic the Gathering a very fun card game to play casually among friend or competitively.

    This entry has been edited 4 times. It was last edited on Jan 27th, 2011 at 18:17:38.

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    Max_Seven's Magic the Gathering (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 27 January, 2011

    Max_Seven's opinion and rating for this game

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    See info on Magic the Gathering

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Magic the Gathering (Other) by cm628 (rating: 5)
    2 : Magic the Gathering (Other) by geswaldo (rating: 5)
    3 : Magic The Gathering Online (PC) by Ramenth (rating: 5)


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